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No Footswitch lights on HX Stomp when assigning snapshots through Command Center


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I hope this hasn't been dealt with elsewhere but I can't find it so here we go.
Having changed the layout of the pedalboard in which I use the HX Stomp as a brain, I wanted to set it up in order to have FS1 switch between two snapshots which I have done once again in the past. To achieve the desired setting I used command center and stomp mode and, while I got what I wanted, the footswitch light stays off regardless of which Snapshot I'm on. 
I'm pretty sure when I did that in the past I had the light turning on white, did something change with one of the updates?
Currently I'm on 3.71. 

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I am able to switch between two colours by clicking right in the snapshot window on top of the Edit software.


However i also have two problems with this method. If I rename the two snapshots they don't show up and change on my HX effects. Only when loading the preset it shows, after that it only says 'snapshot'


Also sometimes the snapshot toggles only after every second hit of the switch. 

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As @Schmallesaid, but the LED Ring will remain DIM.

This makes sense because the BRIGHTNESS of the LED Rings is binary - ON/OFF. With the number of possible command variations they can't be made to reflect all possibilities. I don't recall this being different in previous versions.


If you set the color of the snapshots to different colors, the LED will indicate the color of the SS that it will go to when pressed.

IOW - if SS1 is set to GREEN and SS2 is set to red, in SS1 the button will show RED and in SS2 the button will show GREEN.

There's probably a way to do it on the HXS, but I just did it in HX Edit for the test.

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