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A question about using PC live


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I am a little confused about using the powercab live. I am doing my first all digital gig on thursday and not sure on  what to give the sound guy. Whether it is my Helix or QC, I finallly surrendered and now the digital models are just that good. I have been using them in the studio for a long time. Just never live.

I looked on page 20 of the manual and it says that I just give him an XLR out and the PC assigns a speaker model with a 57 to it automatically. Not sure whether I will use a Helix or a QC for the gig but either way it will be the same issue. I will not be using a speaker model on the modeler as I like the sound of the Creamback in the PC for the amps I will be using. So page 20 is saying that I don't have to send out a second path with a speaker model to the front of house? Is there any control about which speaker model it sends out or is it the model I choose but always with an SM57.

Sorry, just a little confused.

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Unless you're running stereo to FOH, just give FOH the PC's L/MONO Out XLR.

The PC does NOT automatically assign a speaker model. Set that once at the PC's panel and if you're only using one speaker (Cream), you're done.

It's not going to change unless you tell it to.

The default MIC for all of the PC's speaker emulations is a 57, but you can assign any MIC you want using MIDI. It only needs to be assigned in one preset. 

You can also use the PC's Cream Preset by SAVING it in PC Edit with a MIC other than the 57.

Like the speaker model, it won't change unless you tell it to.

That said, don't worry about it. If the tech can't handle a 57, you're doomed.


Here's more what you need to know. 

In the PC's System Settings set the Level to MIC. IF he wants it hotter switch to LINE, but start with MIC.

The actual db level sent from the XLR will be the level being sent from the modeler. If the modeler output is all over the place, you're doomed.

I leave that at 0db. Always. But if you haven't levelled your presets, you're doomed.

Use the Channel Volume to level your presets or anything other than the Output Block Level.

The LED on the PC's Panel should be hitting yellow with your Lead Boost switches engaged.


The Volume Knob on the Modeler should be disabled - on Helix you do that in Global Settings>Ins/Outs by setting the BIG KNOB to an output you're not using.

This prevents accidents on stage from changing the level to the PC and FOH.

The Volume knob on the PC ONLY affects your STAGE level, the level passed to the PC's XLR Out is the Level sent by the modeler.


Lastly, IF you get a SOUNDCHECK, send your loudest level - Lead Boost switches fully engaged. Better he turns you UP because you're too low than he turns you DOWN and walks off to smoke a joint in the parking lot. Don't laugh, it happens! He never came back because he got arrested.




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I use midi to change speakers with each preset here in the studio, but for simplicity's sake  using the PC for the first time live, I think I will just use one speaker. Thanks for everything. I usually like the 160 or 121 ribbons so it is nice to know that I can send that to FOH.

I am assuming that this will work the same way for either the Helix or Quad Cortex? If I am not using a cab sim, I just send the left mono out XLR to FOH and whether it is Helix or QC, he will get a cab sim?

That really makes it easy.

I will mess with the other stuff like getting the patches levelled tomorrow. It's kind of weird to be doing the digital gig. I have been doing session work for a few years with the Helix and now the QC. I was just holding out on the live gigs and am ready to take that leap.

thanks for all of your help!


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On 3/31/2024 at 10:18 PM, rwinking said:

If I am not using a cab sim, I just send the left mono out XLR to FOH and whether it is Helix or QC, he will get a cab sim?


No, he won't get a "cab sim" unless you use a "cab sim". 

You do not want to send the sound of a raw preset to FOH without either a speaker emulation or an IR (both of which are technically "cab sims" since neither is a Real World MIC on a Real World speaker), it would most probably sound awful.

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Sorry....different terms here, If I use a flat response it will sound awful to FOH. So, if I use no cab sim on my helix but use a speaker sim in the PC, will the FOH get my speaker sim from the PC?

I will try to clarify a little....I have a preset on my Helix that does not have a cab sim. I go from the Helix into the PC and the PC will be using the creamback speaker sim. Will the FOH get the creamback speaker sim from the PC? 

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Yes. As long as your preset gets a "cab sim" - whether it comes from an IR on Helix (FLAT/FRFR Mode on the PC) or a "speaker emulation" (SPEAKER Mode on the PC) or an IR loaded on the PC (USER IR Mode on the PC) - it will sound like a MIC'd guitar amp to FOH.



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On 4/1/2024 at 1:52 AM, rd2rk said:

Use the Channel Volume to level your presets or anything other than the Output Block Level.


Hey @rd2rk, I don't think I've seen anyone specifically advise against using the Output Block level to set levels. So forgive my ignorance - what issue does it cause? 


Thanks in advance.

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On 4/4/2024 at 12:48 AM, jpspoons said:


Hey @rd2rk, I don't think I've seen anyone specifically advise against using the Output Block level to set levels. So forgive my ignorance - what issue does it cause? 


Thanks in advance.


My preferred workflow when creating presets with Powercab is to start with the Amp and Cab, get the PC's Input LED set (yellow on hard strums) and then build the preset from there, checking that LED as I add blocks and using the output level of each block to keep the preset levelled re the PC's Input LED. The last thing I add is clean lead boost. That might come from a GAIN Block or a compressor at the end. If that puts the LED in the RED then I can just lower the Output Block a bit.

IOW, I'm using the PC's LED to level my presets, starting with the amp and cab. The output block is the final level tune-up before the signal hits the PC (or FOH if not using the PC). It's not a compensation for a poorly gain-staged preset.


Like with most things Helix, there's lots of ways to do things. This is my way.


The advice above about the Channel Volume was for someone on the verge of a gig and levelling his presets at the last minute. There's no real reason he COULDN'T use the Output Block Level, just my preference for his case.


You do whatever works for you!

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