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Broken rack or just an issue


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Right so I got the helix rack and updated it and got hx edit then I plug in everything and it sounds lollipop like I mean real lollipop I play and it crackles in then fades out I slam the strings and it’s slightly louder then fades out I check my cables and guitar via amp and mustang micro and it’s completely fine I plug the helix into my amp sounds lollipop again I re update it still sounds lollipop reset it still sounds lollipop I’ve been searching and following preset builds and sounds worse I’ve just made a new preset with just a amp and cab and it still sounds lollipop did I just pay 1,500 for the worst tone ever?



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How are you monitoring the sound? Headphones? Regular guitar amp? Studio monitors? PA speakers?


If you are connecting to the guitar input of a regular guitar amp it will sound exactly as crappy as you describe. Try using headphones. Give us more info on your setup.


Also let us know what, if any, experience you have with amp modellers.

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So I have AKG headphones and a 1/4 cable going too either my amp or personal 1 speaker monitor I don’t have any studio monitors or multiple monitors it sounds horrible on everything and it’s really annoying. I’ve plugged the 1/4 mono left too whatever and it still makes the noise it has too be something with the helix a factory reset it though so I really don’t understand it oh and btw i was on neck pickup which I never use too even get a sound out of the helix it makes like a tiny noise when I put it on the bridge which I always use

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If it sounds terrible using headphones there may be a problem with it. If it’s brand new I would return it for replacement. If you bought it used, well…..


I assume you have independently tested your guitar (especially neck pickup) and cable. Try some of the Factory presets in Setlist 1 and 2, using headphones. The tones should be clear if not to your preference. If not there may be a hardware issue. Open a support ticket.

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On 4/30/2024 at 11:22 PM, Kaebull said:

did I just pay 1,500 for the worst tone ever?




Probably not, because when set up correctly it should be just fine. A quick look at you example video leaves me with a few observations about what it is that I'm actually looking at.


First, your Helix Rack appears to be set on Factory Preset "01A US Double Nrm", but it looks likes it has been edited and the original signal chain removed. Now what you have is an ANGL Meteor amp and cab block, that seems to be on the default setting, going direct to the output. Nothing else is active - so far , so good. Now you have the Output from the HX Rack going into a Fender Champion 40W Combo. Hmm... looking at the the LEDs on the front panel it would indicate the Fender Input is on Channel 2 which brings into play the Gain Knob and any one of the 12 built-in Voice settings from Tweed to Metal. It also looks as if the Champ's onboard FX are kicked in. This is not ideal. You have an ENGL® Fireball 100 complete with 4x12 cab slamming into the front end of your Fender with it's FX on. This is not a good set up for testing something like a Helix Rack. Having said that, it's not a great recording so it's difficult to detect just what exactly is happening to your audio, but it certainly shouldn't sound like that! 


Your Helix Rack is in a Flight Case, which makes me wonder if you bought it as a pre-owned device? If it was pre-owned, did you test that the Helix worked correctly before you bought it? Maybe you could get your money back, but "caveat emptor" as the saying goes.


You also say that you "got the helix rack and updated it", but don't tell us what Firmware was already in the Rack, because there was a major change to the Core Audio Engine at version 2.80, but using the very latest v3.71.0 should bring everything into line, although it can take quite some time to update, and it may appear to fail part way through. Then when if finishes updating, the Rack should restart and begin "Rebuilding Presets". This can also take quite a while. You are then supposed to perform a Factory Reset on the unit.  You didn't mention doing any of this. If you have not performed a clean update on the Firmware it can cause all sorts of issues. It may be worth flashing the Firmware again to make sure it was updated fully.


If you need to check about various reset routines you can find them here.


Hope this helps/makes sense.




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This reply is for silver head and data commando its all good guys I took it into a guitar shop and they said I need too return it cause it must have got bashed about while in shipping cause it’s not meant too sound like that I’m returning it tomorrow and getting a new one thank you for your reply’s and trying too help much love

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On 5/2/2024 at 1:50 PM, Kaebull said:

This reply is for silver head and data commando its all good guys I took it into a guitar shop and they said I need too return it cause it must have got bashed about while in shipping cause it’s not meant too sound like that I’m returning it tomorrow and getting a new one thank you for your reply’s and trying too help much love


That's good news. Soon you will be the owner of a fully functional Helix Rack.


Something to consider, while you have just invested $1,500 in a great digital amp modeller and multi-effects box of tricks, it might be wise to treat yourself to some halfway decent powered studio monitors to play through. You don't have to spend a lot for a a pair of small 3 1/2 - 5 inch monitors, and they will give you a more reasonable listening result than trying to push a mono output into your Fender Champ 40. Unless, of course, you intend gigging with the Helix, in which case you might be better off with a different amp and cab setup.


Check this out.



Also, simply type, "best budget 5 inch studio monitors" into Google and check the results.


Some others that get reasonable reviews are: 

Presonus Eris E5,

KRK Rokit RP5 G4

Behringer STUDIO 50USB 


Believe me, what you listen to the Helix through will make a world of difference, or continue playing it into the mono front end of the Fender using the onboard amp emulation an FX, and keep thinking that it's $1,500 of the worst tone ever. You get what you pay for, and what you play through.


Oh, yeah, this is worth downloading and reading. Rack and Control 3.0 Owner's Manual - English .pdf


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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