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How could Flange block suddenly be boosting whole preset on my LT?


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Okay, this is a weird one.  Easy enough to have solved the problem already, but I’m trying to wrap my head around how/why it happened, and if anyone else has ever experienced this.


I’ve a song-specific preset I’ve been using for over a year now.  In this patch I have the Courtesan Flange assigned to a foot switch and I engage it 1X in the song for about 2 seconds, and that’s it.


Last night at practice when I engaged it, I experienced a roughly 3-4 db volume boost, causing all eyes to fall in my direction when it happened.  When I got home, I went over the preset in Edit in an effort to find out what happened.


I toggled the Flange on/off while watching every other block in the chain, one at a time, to see if any parameters were somehow getting changed when i engaged the effect.  Not surprisingly (because I haven’t touched this preset since I wrote it), none were.


My quick fix was to lower the level on the Flange block itself from 0 to -4 db.  Maybe when I get home today I’ll delete the block and then recreate it to see if the new iteration can sit at the original 0.0 level setting without startling everyone when engaged 

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  • boynigel changed the title to How could Flange block suddenly be boosting whole preset on my LT?

I've had patches suddenly go wobbly after extended periods of time, doing all sorts of weird sh*t for no discernable reason. It's a computer flogging a bunch of 1's and 0's... stuff goes on tilt sometimes. Exactly why or how is probably more of a philosophical question than anything else, lol. But your troubleshooting method is sound... though I'd probably just rebuild the whole patch from the ground up in an empty slot, as that will eliminate anything else that might be gumming up the works. Don't copy and paste anything from the patch that's giving you trouble. If that works, consider it a win and soldier on. If the problem still persists, try a factory reset. If that still doesn't help, then there's something more complicated clogging the drain that you're not likely to be able to address yourself, and it's service ticket time. 

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Maybe the issue is because the preset behaves differently in mono/stereo mode?  Not sure how you connect your Helix to the PA, etc.  But I've had cases where stereo effects (in particular doubler) behaved completely differently in mono vs. stereo... in mono, the overall volume was way quieter. 

... Meaning, if I connect left/right to speakers, the balance is as I expect it to be.  Then when I disconnect the right speaker left/mono signal has a significant drop in volume with the doubler enabled. 



I suspect phasing issues are responsible for this, waves cancel each other out and you get a volume drop.  But in stereo mode, the left/right signals are separate, and there is no cancelation. 

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