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Can you assign multiple switches and controls to the Weeper block?


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Hi There,


I have a weeper block and would like:

- Auto-engage on via an expression pedal

- Switch one to engage at a specific value for a low cocked wha sound (ala Zappa)

- Switch two to engage at a specific value for a high cocked wha sound


Is this possible?


Also, each time I connect the expression pedal (Volume X Mini) the weeper assignment seems to alternate between EXP 1 and EXP 2, forcing a reassignment each time. Is there a way to force the expression pedal to use Exp 1 each time it's connected?


Any pointers in the right direction much appreciated.


Cheers, Ben

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 Yes. Use Snapshots to achieve what you want in the bullet points. If you’re not familiar with snapshots start by reading the associated section in the manual and come here if any follow up questions.


I can’t answer your question re: EXP assignment.

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Thanks for this and sorry, I did attempt to use snapshots but couldn't save bypass assignments per snapshot.


i.e. I couldn't figure out how to have Snapshot 1 auto engage via the EXP, Snapshot 2 engage via switch 2, and Snapshot 3 via switch 3.


Or is there some other way? Cheers, Ben

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Honestly, to avoid confusion, have 2 wah blocks:  one for 2 cocked wah sounds, and another one for conventional wah usage.


So in the first block: remove the expression pedal assignment completely, and instead take the wah % and assign it to snapshots.  You can enable this first wah block in snapshots 1 and 2, have it be engaged with a specific value.


Then have the 2nd wah block and use it as auto-engaged wah.  What I like to do is use the mix parameter of the wah--it's very simple.  Just assign the mix parameter of wah 2 block to snapshots.  Save it as 0% and the wah 2 is inaudible, even if it turns on for snapshots 1 and 2.  Then for the snapshot 3, set the mix at 100%.  That way, if you start rocking your expression pedal, you won't have 2 wah blocks on at the same time. 


Helix allows you to repurpose one block for many things, but I find it is much easier to use multiple blocks, if you can.  The easier, the better.




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