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Pod HD500 pitch glide mix


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Thanks for your reply. I'm using hd500 only for fx with my evh5150iii so it's connected via 4cm. I've set up path a and path b completely separated, so A is panned completely right and b completely left; input A is "guitar" and input b is "aux". In this way I can use the second path for a wet dry setup, or for a sound on sound effect, and the signal are not merged together (I still cannot understand why putting two inputs in this unit and then merging them on the outputs). So i'm only playing with a pitch glide in path A, going into FX loop (my amp's pre) and then to the output.


I've tryed muting path b or moving the pitch glide block in another place, but I still have a little Dry signal coming out from the amp together with pitched signal. Maybe it's the quality of this effect which is not good?

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I don't think the effect is supposed to do what you're hearing. And after listening really close, with headphones, I don't hear any dry signal at all through the full range of the effect on an HD500X. I'm at a loss to explain it. Perhaps a global reset might fix it? Hold the left arrow while powering on, then change the system menu settings back to your liking. I think the pedal might need recalibration also, after a global reset.

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A global reset doesn't wipe any user defined patches, but it does reset the name of the setlists. You could also just save all your patches (either individually, as setlists, and/or as a batch) before the global reset and upload them after.

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Depending on how you have the effect blocks placed in your signal paths, it is still possible that you're inadvertently splitting your signal somewhere along the line. Any chance you could post the tone you're having problems with up here.

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