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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2019 in all areas

  1. I am still a valve amp guy, and i've owned a few over thirty or so years of gigging , though i've come to the conclusion that whether i'm using a Fender ,Orange, Marshall, whatever, .. my current Mesa, that i just end up getting them all to sound the way i like them to sound. The problem i have live is the mic'ing up of an amp, which can fluctuate massively based on there being so many permutations,.. so the Helix could cure that problem ? Absolutely,.. i'm using the Helix in the fx loop of my amp, so i still have the amp in the room thing going on , yet i get a consistent pa sound without a mic, and tbh it sounds way better front of house than the old mic ever did. I've plugged into a lot of those valve amps that i mentioned , and on first impression was less than impressed ,then spent some time tweaking them till i really liked them. The Helix is no different, but it does so much more as well, and i'm still very much loving scratching the surface.
    1 point
  2. I’ve been using the Helix floor for almost two years now. Really loving how great it sounds and the flexibility of it. Recently got myself an HX Stomp. I created some basic presets with distortion, modulation, amp + cab, delay and reverb. Sometimes with compressor at the end of the path “jsad” style. Took it to band rehearsal and was very pleased with the sound. I had the impression that it maybe even sounded better that my Helix floor. Came back home, recreated my “6 blocks max” presets on the Helix floor and they (obviously) sounded identical ... Man, what a great time to be a guitar player!
    1 point
  3. One piece it too me multiple tries and multiple cables and ports on my computer which was a bit odd I have to admit. When you boot with page right pressed If I remember the screen is blank when you launch not the boot up screen if memory serves. Good luck and try a few times. I also submitted a help ticket and they were really quick to respond if you get to the end of your rope.
    1 point
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