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Everything posted by sheguitarplayer2

  1. sheguitarplayer2


    They are surely reaching the position where processing power is an issue. Having said that, it’s the only modelling hardware platform out there that has remained in the top tier for anything like as long as it has. The Fractal platform would have cost you a fortune in that time so give Line 6 some (a lot) of credit. The new EVH5150 IIiis the best model of that amp I have ever tried, and I’ve been down the fractal platform, and currently have a quad cortex for the studio and captures. Trust me, that unit doesn’t get near the Helix in a live environment. As it stands the helix is still an outstanding unit and frankly I’m amazed they are still adding updates. When they eventually bring out a new platform, unless it is as functional as the helix as a standalone unit in a live environment I wouldn’t be upgrading.
  2. Funny how peoples experiences differ. I have an axefx2 and had an ax8 (returned it). I prefer the Helix . I dont find the helix harsh at all. The axefx2 however has this slightly fuzzy/hairy sound going on in most of the amps. Didnt notice it until I stopped using it for a while. I think it comes down to what you are used to hearing. Both units sound different. Who is to say which one is most realistic?
  3. Just my 2 cents worth- I have a helix, an axe8 and an amplifire. Not one of them is better than the other sound wise, although they all sound a little different. ax8 has more options, helix is so much more elegant UI, amplifire fits nicely onto a small pedalboard. You choose which suits your needs rthe best
  4. Ive put a request on idea scale for this. EVH used an eventide harmoniser on the 'micro pitch' setting. This was available on the Whammy effect of the HD500 and the M5.
  5. 1. Ive had my helix for about three weeks now. I also own an axefx2xl and contrary to what others have said I think the helix is every bit as responsive and authentic as the axefx2 is. I can't remember ever being as excited over a piece of kit as I am with this. The sound is top notch and the UI makes everything else seem primitive. 2. I would like to see the inclusion of 'scenes' as per the axefx, and the inclusion of a micro pitch in the pitch block. 3. I think this is the best modeller in the market at present as it is every bit as good sounding as the axefx2, but it can handle more fx in a preset, and is much more practical both to create presets and to use it in a live environment.(Its also about a third of the price of an axefx2 and MFC controller in the UK). First class stuff, well done Line 6.
  6. Pair of atomic clrs..Sounds great. Every bit as good as my axefx. Couldn't be happier with the helix
  7. I recently bought a JTV69 and after a couple of days put on a brand new set of elixir 10-52. I too notice this 6 and 5 string metallic 'clang' There is no fret buzz at all but it definitely there. Edit Changed tol a set of daddario 10s and the 'clang' is gone
  8. The 5 way selector on the USA is better quality than the one on the korean one. Likewise for the knobs. The US guitar is better made than my USA Stratocaster. The neck plays like butter. It feels a much better made guitar but at the price I think the korean is a nice guitar. (I got the korean for £560 B stock from Thomann. The US cost me £1100.)
  9. Ive got a JTV89 (Korean) and a JTV69US that I managed to blag for a good price on eBay. The Korean one is a great guitar after it was professionally set up. The US 69 is an excellent guitar. In short I would use either of them without the modelling.
  10. I have a JTV89 which I love. Im considering either a 59 or a 69 to go with it. Im looking for opinions on the stock magnetic pickups on both models. Also is there any difference on the pickups between the usa and the korean models?
  11. Have you tried it without the axefx plugged into the usb ? I have owned both an axefx and an axefx2 in the past and both of them had dodgy usb drivers. A lot of the time they would refuse to work or stop working halfway through something I was doing. Ive even found I wasn't able to use my printers with the axefx plugged into the usb. Just a thought.
  12. Im a new user having only got my JTV89 about a month ago so I suppose you could say Im approaching it with fresh ears. Mine came shipped with 1.71. I upgraded to 2 immediately and love it. After reading this forum I tried both 1.71 and 1.9 and can only say I much prefer 2.0. Sounds just like my Les Paul Standard and Strat (after tweaking the strat settings in workbench as discussed in this forum)
  13. Ive got a JTV89 and a PRS custom 24. The PRS is a fantastic guitar but I find that I am using the JTV more. Its a nice guitar and if Im looking for inspiration I just change to a different model. Makes it very hard to put down.
  14. Ive recently bought into the ' dream rig ' with the JTV, HD500 and DT25. I own a Kemper Profiler and until recently an axefx2. If you are after the sound of a real amp the HD500 and DT25 win hands down. The axefx would need to be coupled to a valve amp to be in the same territory. By then you've spent almost five times as much for the preamp/effects and foot controller and in this situation there is hardly any difference between the two. The HD500 is also a lot easier to edit. (Axefx has an awful UI, and the computer editor doesn't function half the time as its updates lag behind the units constant firmware updates).
  15. Received a JTV 89 from Thomann (Germany) about 3 weeks ago and I have to say I am thrilled with it. I was intending to use the modelled pickups for occasional acoustic sounds in a live set but was pleasantly surprised how good both acoustic and electric models are. Its a truly inspirational instrument. Ive seen a few posts about the 12 string models sounding weird and how they can be 'fixed' using workbench, but as a newb Ive no idea where to start. Can anyone give me some pointers? I assume its something to do with the detune amounts but don't know where to start. Cheers
  16. Thanks guys. I had assumed the DT25 didn't use cab models as it was being used with a real cab. Switching the cabs on in the HD500 put me exactly where I wanted to be. So as I understand it, in normal volume mode it should be preamps and cab models on the HD500. In low power mode do I need to use the full amp models on the HD500?
  17. Hi. Im a newb here having just bought a DT 25 and HD500x. Can anyone tell me what preamp is the default for the amp itself on configuration 4, class A/B, Pentode? I can easily get great tones out of the amp itself on that setting but can't find a preamp on the hd500 that sounds the same when I connect it via line 6 link, even after Ive made sure the amp is configured the same?
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