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Everything posted by STPLE

  1. Yep that did the trick. It all seems to be working fine now. Thanks guys. I appreciate it.
  2. This problem still persist with me. Anyone figure this out yet?? None of it helped so far. I’m glad I’ve backed stuff bc Im randomly losing tones that I use. Hopefully a fix is on the way.
  3. I have the same issue. Would very much like to know the fix. I've never had issues with PODHD or Helix before. I hope there is a fix. I also get these errors when trying to load presets: - Failed to get preset names Service is not online - code - 8207 - Failed to paste one or more presets. Unknown communication error - code - 8200 - HX Edit was unable to import some presets from "Setlist Name" due to the following errors: 8604 - No symbol lookup table for models and parameters Each time it locks up my Helix. I did make sure that HX Edit matches the Firmware 2.82. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks
  4. I hooked up the amp and rockcrusher to make sure all is well (bad tube or cable, etc.). No problems. I have no idea why this isn't working - I may try a hum destroyer or something of the kind later. Thanks guys for your help. I've actually used the DT25 - Rockcrusher - Helix in a live setting before (with the workaround) and it works great - but that is a bit different b/c I'm bypassing the preamp and just using the poweramp.
  5. Yes. FX Loop 1 (set to instrument level in global settings) - I had the cable just in the send 1 out to guitar amp front. Then I had the return cable in the Return 2 (set to line level in global settings).
  6. Thanks - this is exactly what I was doing except for adding the lift. It would work until I turned up the amp (channel and master volume) then there would be very loud screeching noise. I wonder if I added one of those hum destroyers if that would do the trick. It just doesn't appear to be your typically hum issue (loud screeching noise). Thanks again - video was helpful.
  7. Listening to Pete Thorn's Q&A #28 - (I don't know how to cut and paste the youtube link on this forum). Start at 2:30 and he addresses this question exactly. The one thing I don't have is a lift coming out of the Helix into the front of the amp. I think I may be having a ground loop issue when I tried it. I have rehearsal tonight so I may grab a direct box (if we have one that will work) and try it again. If I recall there is a lift on the back of the Helix - I wonder if that would do the trick?? Has any one else actually got this work?? I'm with jeffhucik - I really don't think I would use this in a live setting but I'd like to understand it so as to have it available. The Helix by itself I have grown to absolutely love.
  8. I'm missing something - I can't get it to work. I even tried with DT25.
  9. The Helix sounds so good on its own I doubt I'd use this in a live setting at this point. Sometimes I like to figure stuff out. The Rockcrusher has a line out control as well - I think that most likely is an easy solution (finding the right level to have the signal coming back to Helix). Still not sure why when I ran FX Send 1 instrument to front of amp then Fx Return 2 line level to the Helix didn't work.
  10. You're probably right. I may try it tonight. One question I had with using the same send/return is that if the Load Box is sending the signal back at line level and Helix is set to instrument level - would that be a problem or mess up the Helix?? Is it safe to have it set to instrument and have a line level signal coming in the Return?
  11. Roscoe5 - total lack of understanding. I was assuming that instrument level going in to the amp and line level coming out of the load box. That is why I split the FX loops to Send 1 at instrument level and Return 2 at line level. I didn't even try the instrument level for both in one FX loop. I was thinking that level would be too low coming back - but I may give it go. jbuhajla - I tried this the other night with not good results - it didn't work. I put the two FX blocks Send 1 then Return 2 right next to each other - kinda like an FX loop in two blocks. Not sure if that was correct.
  12. Here is what I tried and it didn't work - I must be missing something. Guitar -> Helix (input) -> FX Send 1 (instrument level) -> Front of amp -> Amp speaker out -> Rockcrusher reactive load -> back to Helix FX Return 2 Line Level. The goal was to do what I think Pete Thorn did - use the amp head preamp and power amp and then depending on where you put the send/return put the Helix effects. The Four Cable Method seems a bit different b/c there is no speaker/cab in this scenario. What am I missing - why wouldn't that work?? Thanks!!
  13. Hey guys - can you clarify something for me?? Just for kicks I was messing with an amp head that I have and a Rockcrusher Recorder as a load box. 1. So do you have to use the 1/4 out at instrument level to front of amp? Or can you use FX loop 1 at instrument level to front of amp? 2. Then return FX Loop 2 at Line Level?? I've used one FX loop 1 at line level with the whole DT25 workaround (back of the amp power section only - preamp turned off) then using the Rockcrusher as a load box and bringing back in via FX Loop 1 Return at line level. I've had some pretty good stuff with that arrangement. I can't seem to do the same thing as Pete Thorn to work - I'm sure I'm missing something very simple. I guess I just wanted to confirm the only way to do this is to go 1/4 inch out (unbalanced) at instrument level - then from load box back to Helix to FX Return 1 at line level. Not sure then how you would set that up on a particular patch - How would you set up the FX loop blocks?? How would you set the Output?? Especially if I ever used this live I would have to have the end of the signal chain's output to XLR to the PA.
  14. I usually set the Mix and Feedback and timing as the main parameters. I'm not even sure what Bit Depth does?? I leave headroom, etc. I love the Vintage Delay. I use it a lot. I'm back to using now that I make sure I don't overload the signal. Some of my tones were probably too hot internally. I've just turned down the channel volume on the amp block and that solved the clipping issue. I could use headroom but went this route instead.
  15. STPLE

    Touch Select

    Here's an update - I've been helped by forum members for years - I hope this helps someone. I decided to try a factory reset and updating the firmware again instead of sending it in for a new footswitch (which would have been covered under warranty). The Line6 Reset Procedure page said to press: 8,9+12. I did that before attempting to reinstall the firmware. The crazy thing is that it started working after I did the factory reset 8,9+12. I never did reinstall the firmware update. I've never had a problem with Line6 updates, etc. They have always gone smoothly for me. I have no idea why this fixed it - anyone know?? Dumb luck?? Or is that factory reset different than the normal 9+10 reset after the updates?? Any ideas??
  16. Thanks - good to know. I didn't realize that the 'headroom' parameter was added with 2.10.
  17. Thank you!! I had the same problem. Just that one delay clipped - enough I had to stop using it on some tones. I basically turned down the channel volume on the tones and sure enough it disappeared. I really should pay more attention to the unity gain principles when creating tones.
  18. STPLE

    Touch Select

    Anyone ever have trouble with a footswitch touch select not working?? I just discovered tonight that I can't assign footswitch number 9 to a block by the normal touching it for 2 seconds, etc. I can assign ever other footswitch with that method except for that one. It's worked perfectly till now - any ideas?? Everything is updated, etc. I turned the Helix off and then on again. Global settings - I made sure Touch Select is "on". I can still assign the footswitch manually - Bypass Assign - then assign whatever block to footswitch 9, etc. Any ideas or if anyone else has fixed this problem - I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!!
  19. I thought I would share my experience with Helix and DT25. I used it for the first time live and it is now 100% part of the gear I'll use from now on. I'm not a professional musician by any means but been playing at church (and a few bands before then) for over 20 years. Forum members have been very helpful to me over the years and I hope this helps a few out there considering getting the Helix with DT amps. I love the combination and will not go back to the PODHD500 - in fact it is for sale now. I play at church so my setup is in ears, PA and no stage volume (no amp cab). My setup is: Guitar -> Helix -> FX send (line level) -> DT25 amp in (FX on back of amp - NOT the instrument input in front) -> Rivera Rockcrusher Recording as reactive loadbox (EQ is OFF) -> FX Return (line level) ->Helix Cab or IR -> XLR out to the PA Board. This two cable method basically uses only the Power Section of the DT25. The master volume is then at 100% (which I like) - all the tone controls (DT preamp) and Master Volume is disabled on the DT. I take all the advice from past forum posts - with m-audio device and DT Edit - I turn everything off in channel B. Then set up for topologies Class AB for I,II & IV. Class A for III. Sometimes I'll use the full amp models and then I typically will run them to the DT25 in Class AB Topology I (the cleanest). When I use the preamps (not full amp models) I will typically run them how they are in the real world - for example VOX amps in Class A topology III. I have one midi cable that I run along side my FX cables to control the DT from the Helix. SUPER Easy. In Helix command center - one midi command and you're good to go. First time in my life using a midi cable. I haven't yet but I will sometimes bypass the DT entirely and just use the Helix full amp models. The Helix sounds amazing by itself. Sometimes I think it even sounds better without the DT. I've also worked on dual paths using the DT in one path and not in the other path - haven't spent that much time on that but I know I will. Again all of these patches can be used within the same set flawlessly. I also switch quite a bit to acoustic. So in a set it is great with Helix. I have the acoustic patch set to 1/4 output and the electric set to the XLR output. I can very easily pick up my Martin and bypass the amp without fiddling around. Makes me want to buy a PRS P22 or P24!! I love the combination of DT and Helix. It performed flawlessly at rehearsal and live. I think the only disappointment for me is that several of the preamp models are very soft and can't be used with other amp models, etc. I don't understand why. Others like the Mesa and Bassman are hot enough to run the preamp models into the power configuration of the DT. The workaround the Line6 Link is totally worth it. Again for my setup - no cab or stage noise I prefer this setup probably better than using the Line6 Link with PODHD and running out the XLR DT Head. I like having the signal come back through and adding IRs, etc. I understand if you are micing a cab then this may not be ideal for you but it's great for me. Lastly, I've had great success with using quality headphones for tone and patch building. For what I'm doing it translates incredibly well to the PA and House speakers. Never perfect but really good. I hope this is helpful for others - again just my experience.
  20. Ok. Cool. I only so far have bought 3 sigma & some OH IRs. That is good to know. Thanks! I'll try that out tonight.
  21. Thanks. Here are my assumptions and would be glad to know if I'm on target or totally missing the boat. I feel like I've been having some undesirable fizz or what may be clipping in my headphones as I build these presets. My headphones were at 9 oclock and really loud in my ears. So I believe I am running everything way too hot. I assume I would treat the amp and IR or Cab as one block for this purpose - one should take those together when trying to keep things level? I assume Channel volume is the best resource to lower the volume in the "digital world" for this purpose. Drive or Master Volume on the amp model will change the characteristics of the tone whereas the channel volume should only increase the signal strength and volume down the path. What does: "It's floating point once the signal is in the digital domain, so you don't have to worry about digital clipping in linear effect" mean?? Is that talking about when the signal is all done with effects and amps, etc and being sent to the PA, Mixer, computer for recording, etc. that the master volume (big volume knob on the Helix) will not add to digital clipping within the preset?? What does: "However, non-linear effect/amps are designed to clip with the same signal as in the real world" mean?? Does that mean that each block - compression, distortion, amp/cab, reverb, etc. can all add to digital clipping and as a general rule the preset shouldn't get remarkably louder as you add effects?? I would think though some distortion pedals, etc. will for sure add the overall volume of a preset but if you are diligent with the other effects and amps you should be safe (from bad clipping). Correct?? Lastly, the headphones are not the end result for what I will use Helix for. I'll go direct out to the PA. I think I should be safe if I like the present tone in my headphones and adjust the Helix Master volume once I hook it all up. I know things never sound the same through a PA and headphones but it usually should be a pretty good indication. If I don't hear a lot of clipping, etc. in the headphones I should be ok when I run it through the PA (if I don't have phantom power on, etc.). Correct?? Sorry for all the dumb questions - a little bit of understand can save a lot of time and effort and sometimes even frustration. Thanks again. I appreciate the feedback and information. It's extremely helpful.
  22. Thanks guys. Boy the more I learn the less I realize I know. Now that I kinda understand the concept I won't be so quick to turn those up and make them louder right off the bat. Thank again.
  23. Gotcha. So -14db is basically getting back it down from line level for Helix in a preset - right? Any advice on bumping up the level?? Or is it usually best to leave it (avoid clipping, etc.)? I know ultimately use your ears but just trying to understand it a bit better. thanks!!
  24. Total stupid question - just trying to understand the Helix. If this has already been addressed I'm sorry. I've been looking. Why are the third party IRs default set to -18.0db?? I usually end up leaving them at about -9 or -7db but for no good reason. I'd like to know more about it if possible. I appreciate it.
  25. I was wondering if someone could explain to me what Ben Adrian was meaning from the link above? I'm a total newbie at the Helix and want to understand it better. I haven't used it live yet with PA - just getting familiar building patches and exploring right now. Everything right now is with good headphones. Is he suggesting that as you add the amp, effects, etc. - the overall volume of the present shouldn't get loader in your ears? Put it a different way, that you can bypass all the amps, effects, etc. and as you add them in one by one it would be a good idea not have the volume of the overall preset increase??
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