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Everything posted by smrybacki

  1. Did you get that Amplifi 150 at cost brother? :lol:
  2. smrybacki

    OT: iWatch

    OT Post in my OT thread: Just watched The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug last night and I'm pretty sure I am in love with Evangeline Lilly. Wow ALL that and kicks orc butt at will.
  3. Cool...learned something else new today. Thanks Zap.
  4. Seen this?
  5. I already said that...but yeah, that's key to the concept.
  6. See, I already thought of that! They could sell the "Fully Loaded" model at full price for those who want that!
  7. Yeah, good point on the "Starter Amp(s)" for the base unit. One or two anyway with marketing fluff on the packaging saying to get your amps online...they do that already really with model packs. This idea just scales it out to onsies and could let other developers onboard to take up the slack of what Line 6 doesn't want to or have time to deal with -- and still make a small profit off of it. This is kind of what the Kemper community is doing if I understand it correctly, but since I don't have one I can't say for sure. I know you can take snapshots of your own amp(s) with it and download others anyway. I'm glad it's already on Ideascale. The Reason Rack Extension market is booming right now and each and every one of them abide by the same rules, unlike VSTs which are often sketchy in their use. For example, hitting "undo" on a VST could undo opening it altogether while with a rack extension, you actually undo the actions within it right up to the point where you instantiated it. Since Line 6 had a partnership with Propellerheads until just recently, I can't believe this idea hasn't been kicked around at Calabasas already.
  8. What I'd like to see is very simple in most regards. Instead of a conucopia of amps, most of which won't be used I would like to see a shell or base unit HD500 type device. This would come with zero amps and zero effects and sell at a price that is reasonable. Then, you could go shopping at Line 6's online shopping center and try then buy only the amp models, cabinet models, impulse responses and effects you actually wany and a fair price for one item. I got this idea while using Reason 7 which is made by Propellerheads. They sell you the basic Reason package, and then offer Rack Extensions made by them and other developers according to very specific design requirements. You can try any of these for thirty days once, and then either buy them or they evaporate off your system the next time you connect to your computer. If Line 6 did something like this AND developed an open standard SDK for other develkopers to jump on board and thereby collect commission on each sale of these as well as their own -- I can't see how they (and we) couldn't benefit. The Reason ecosystem has proven to work and work well with this model and by making the rules and signing off on every potential shop item, they would ensure we only got items that worked as advertised and didn't crash the system PLUS we could all try everything we were interested in for 30 days to see how it fits.
  9. smrybacki

    OT: iWatch

    The main point (and I suspect you know this) was that the design of the item was elegant as opossed to utter geek-ware. I'm not buying one because it's made by the Fruit Company, but maybe this type of styling will push this particular trend towards actually wearable yet useful tech that doesn't require a co-signer.
  10. Thanks guys, that's good stuff. I am surprised by some of the findings though, like for example the Dr Z. model being in the least expensive category of the full amp models. I wonder what effect the mic selection on the cabs has? Is a 57 on axis less intensive than a 89 off axis for example.
  11. You know what would be handy? A detailed listing of what percentage of 100% each amp model or device used.
  12. ...and it sucked out loud. I made a (really good sounding) basic patch with a Fender Twin NRM and Marshall Plexi BRT dual amp configuration. Then I panned both amps to the center and put a 63 Spring Reverb in front of the Twin only. Then a volume pedal at the first Pre device and a Vetta juice right after in Pre device 2. Then I went to add a Dry Platter Echo in Post device 1 and BAM! No soap - DSP Limit Reached. This is honestly my first real run in with that, except for when I first got the unit and was trying silly stuff for kicks. Anyone try this same thing by chance on a 500x? Because I really liked where this patch was going and it's still excellent but I am an avowed delay junkie....
  13. smrybacki

    OT: iWatch

    Anyone who knows me knows I think that Apple products are overpriced, over-hyped affairs. But I have to say that the new iWatch appears to be a very elegant design indeed. I have no idea about their battery life and (of course) Apple isn't dishing on that yet, but this watch appears to me to be something people may not even notice is a smart watch and that is a good thing. Well done, and I don't say that lightly. I like the basic black (not shown) personally.
  14. This is a good point I cannot argue with, however perhaps my problem is simply this; When I want to make music whether it's guitar, or synthesizers or recording any of it, the last thing in the world that crosses my mind to use is my phone. In fact, when I get home, my phone goes on the shelf and I forget it until tomorrow morning on my way out the door to work.
  15. You are right about people because if paying 4x (and up) what something is actually worth is OK by them, then nothing I'm gonna say is going to reach them. I don't feel like my choices are in danger of disappearing on me, so I really don't mind in that respect but it's amazing what people will pay for some things. As I said, my wife got a new iPhone 5 and she was at her friends house and needed to recharge and her friend has an iPhone 4. Guess what? She couldn't, because Apple changed the connector on the iPhone 5 from what it was on the iPhone 4 and NEITHER of them fit another bloody thing other than those phones anyway! Neither would mine work although I can charge my phone, my tablet, my DSLR camera and my MP3 player with the very same $5 cord. Now tell me, why would so many consumers blindly say "OK, I guess" to that when these charger chords go for $20 a pop minimum? I see a sociology dissertation in that somewhere lol... I know, I said I'd let it go but this is educational! RE the makeup sex from Line6 with Amplifi? I think they are already too late in my case. I refuse to be treated like a second class citizen because of the phone or tablet I choose to use.
  16. I am pretty sure I got a 2 year warranty because I bought it at Sweetwater too, but what would they do exactly? I mean, it does work most of the time and only intermittently goes wonk. I figure I'll just replace the switch when it goes totally wonky.
  17. With all due respect to you personally, whatever. My wife has an iPhone and an iPad 2 and is forever asking me how to do this, that or the other with them. So much for easy. She paid $300 for her 16GB iPhone 5 from Verizon while I paid $50 for my 32GB Droid RAZR MAXX. She paid $700 for her iPad and I paid $194 for my Chromebook. Say what you will, but I saved $756 on my gear and I don't need anyone's help using it, ever. Edit to add: Don't really want a flame war here with anyone, so I'll drop it here. It's not personal, it's principled.
  18. Well, I can tell you this much; Satan will have icicles in his beard before I spend a dime on anything Apple just because of what you just said. If people in this world want to spend more than they have to for what is, outside of some music making applications, a second rate, hamstrung operating system made more for developers than users -- then that's fine by me. I can afford Apple products personally, but I find them to be substandard -- they can't even make a multiple user iPad, instead opting to force two people to each own their own at $700 a pop. People will eventually wise up, but hey maybe not. And I AM a developer, albeit not currently creating either Android or iOS apps but web applications in the mobile space. In any event, back to the topic at hand, I guess the Amplifi is an Apple exclusive club, but my recent run through on the thing confirmed my suspicions that it is aimed at that crowd with deadly accuracy as their expectations are very low..
  19. Did you ever wonder why they chose the older XT modelling instead of HD for the Amplifi? Has that ever been answered elsewhere and I missed it? Not directed at you per say, but reading this prompted me to say that I've been thinking a lot about this trend lately. Being an avid and perfectly happy Android user myself, if Line 6 and others (like Propellerhead for example) want to snub the Android users of the world, then I think it will eventually be it's own reward in terms of alienated customers when the market turns against Apple. It might be all wine and roses right now for whatever reasons, and people may think iOS is God's own operating system, but Android has the larger share of the total mobile market plus they are addressing the fragmentation issues that plagued early releases and Google has deep pockets. As for my own part, all I can say is neither Line 6 or Propellerheads (my two main digital music making avenues) haven't come up with anything yet in any area of my life that would make me drop Android OS for iOS and I know I'm not alone. So Line6 (and others) had better hope that Apple doesn't take a second fiscal nose dive one day I guess. Maybe this comes off as sour grapes, but it's not. I can remember a time when the Mac crowd was crying the blues because apps weren't being made for their OS while the PC crowd had their choice of things to use for any particular task just before Apple had it's first near death experience. In other words, what goes around eventually comes around.
  20. The reason I am asking is because the switches and knobs on mine (which I have had almost a year) feel very sketchy. They work, mostly, except sometimes I have to flip the 3-way a couple of times on magnetic pickups for the bridge position to get it to work right. The switch itself just feels cheap, like it is one wrong flick from breaking off. Also, the volume knob just falls off at times. Don't get me wrong here, overall I like this guitar and being able to change styles and tunings at the selection of an HD500 preset is pretty awesome and I don't gig anymore so I avoid all that potential hassle as well. The real reason I am asking is because I am eyeing a pair of L2 series StageSource speakers to replace my pair of Tech21 Power Engines. I would likely do this if the build quality of the Variax wasn't so sketchy because the kind of setup I would get out of this would be awesome with the biggest benefit being better acoustic guitar tones. But if I dump another $1500 or whatever into a pair of these only to have my JTV59 go wonky in 4 months or such, that would truly suck. As an asside, does anyone have this configuration and care to comment on it here?
  21. +1, but they can get a bit heavy to wear for ext3ended use to be fair. Beyerdynamic makes excellent phones I hear, although more pricey as SIlverhead pointed out.
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