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Everything posted by Tick1

  1. Hi Guys, Thanks for continuing to research this. These are the same results that I have. As I said in my first post,I opened a support ticket on this and really got nowhere with it, as they were unable to test it. I'm sure they will figure it out sooner or later, in the meantime xlr and midi works fine. Thanks again for your time.
  2. Hi Guys, I have the issue a regular guitar and also with a variax (using vdi cable or 1/4")
  3. Hi, sorry if you felt my tone was dismissive, was not my intent at all. You must not be used to being thanked for your time. LOL All good here!
  4. I hear ya, it is definitely a goofy issue.Your preset does the same thing as mine. At least it does on my machine,I've reloaded all the software an the helix and the powercab ect ect. Thanks for your time! Nice to have help even if you don't have the same problem.
  5. Nah, this is different. This is a definite vol spike. I'll see if I can put together a video of the issue. It is definitely SW related to Line 6 Link only. Once again, the workaround is to use midi for switching instead of L6 Link.
  6. Hi, I loaded your preset, and added the has the volume jump as well.Switch from snapshot 3 back to snapshot 1, big vol spike, go from snapshot 1 TO snapshot 3, no vol spike. Thanks for your time on this. Line 6 will eventually fix it.
  7. Sorry for the confusion. What I mean is when you connect the powercab using the xlr outs of the helix and also a midi cable and set it up to switch powercab presets using midi.There is no problem using it in that manner (no vol spike between FRFR and speaker mode) . If you use Line6 link instead( one cable vs 3 cables) the spike happens.FRFR is not IR mode. There are 3 separate modes for the powercab+ ( FRFR/Speaker/IR ). But I'm sure you are aware of this. Thanks for your reply. I'll get a preset posted for you to test later today.
  8. I have the same issue, did a support ticket. No real answer,due to the fact that they were unable to go into the office to test it on the gear. Does not happen with XLR midi, only Line6 link. FTW it only happens between FRFR and speaker sim mode. IR mode seems to switch ok.
  9. Same issue here,I opened a ticket about it back in the spring, but COVID.........(nobody at Line 6 offices to test it) I never really got a solid answer, but it only happens with L6 link. Using xlr and midi the problem dosen't exist.
  10. Hi, when I switch Powercab from FRFR to Speaker with the Helix via Line6 Link there is a loud volume burst. Is this a bug? BTW I'm on 2.91 on the Helix. Thanks
  11. Hi, Yeah, its not the cable. The unit has a few issues still. Once those get solved (dropouts) it will be fantastic. As it is now it is not pro grade.
  12. I also upgraded the firmware on both. Still had dropouts…. not as bad,but not useable for me in a performance situation. And yes, i tried the channel scans, had the transmitter in my pocket, tried it on the strap, tried it in three different stage situations. It would always dropout about 10-15 feet from the receiver,in line of sight. I really hope you folks can get this sorted out,cuz the unit sounds great. Just can't have the drops. Returned the unit. Back to the Shure ULXD.
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