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Everything posted by Digital_Igloo

  1. 1. Three places—On your iOS device (unlimited number of tones), on the cloud via your Line 6 account (unlimited number of tones), and in the amp itself (four of your favorite tones). 2. Correct. The AMPLIFi app uses metadata in the song file to call up the correct tones, and we've found that the masses do a pretty remarkable job policing themselves when it comes to rating tones up or down. And of course, if you don't agree with the masses, AMPLIFi is smart enough to always recall your favorite tone associated with a particular song.
  2. Ha! I was just about to paste that reply here, charlyg, but you beat me to it. Cheers!
  3. Tony's right—many of us read IdeaScale (and the Line 6 Community forums) every day. It's important to understand that new products or feature updates to existing products don't appear overnight. I can guarantee, however, that quite a few IdeaScale submissions have made their way into the development pipeline. We are definitely listening.
  4. Yep—110-ohm XLR, which is effectively AES/EBU. Be careful if you buy DMX cables online—occasionally they have 4 pins.
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