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spikey last won the day on February 20 2021

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  1. I'm taking this offline because this thing between you and me is stupid, and nobody cares.

    The ONE thing we have in common is that we're both stubborn, so...........


    I HELP people with PC based problems. I go the extra mile creating screenshots and example presets. I read manuals for HW and SW I have no interest in ever using, for no other reason than to help people with their problems. The ONLY reason I have Live10 on my system is to help troubleshoot people's Live10 related problems. I personally use Live9 and have no need of the extra features on Live10. I actually use Reaper way more than Live9. I do this sort of thing here, on TGP, TB, the FCB1010 User Group, and occasionally elsewhere.


    My motivation is NOT altruistic. I derive pleasure from solving problems and helping people.


    You see the world as a horse, and you're the burr under it's blanket. You rarely contribute anything positive.

    Mostly you're just here to make snide remarks and jerk people's chains.


    You COULD have DL'd Live10, installed it, and verified the problem in 15 minutes, then hit uninstall. You might even have discovered the problem while you were at it, since it DID turn out to be a MAC thing.


    But noooo, you'd rather take that 15 minutes to fight with me.


    Buy a MAC? Somebody GAVE me one. I gave it back after two weeks.

    That's not to say PC is better than MAC. We all have our preferences. The comment I made about it being a MAC thing was actually in jest, it just HAPPENED to turn out to be right. Your knee jerk defense of your preference was silly. I've never made derogatory comments about MACs. I once made a statement, based on my observations of why people choose MAC over PC or vice versa, which actually complimented MACs (paraphrased: for those who want a turnkey solution requiring minimum computer knowledge/intervention), and criticized those who buy PCs (because they're cheaper, then they whine about them not being turnkey solutions).


    SUM IT UP - You want to fight with me because it's in keeping with your "burr under the blanket" perception of your role on earth.


    Try being helpful instead. You MIGHT like it!



    1. spikey


      YADA YADA YADA. Here's your SUM right back.  I'm not here to satisfy your little personal experiments. I'm not on this earth to take your crap or anyone else's. You help others as long as they rub you the way you want them to. You wanna know why things are then do it, but don't get upset when others don't do what you want and fire back at you for runnin yer mouth at them when they don't with cute barbs. And don't flatter yourself,  you are not a burr under my blanket, or significant in any form to me. I'm just doing this with you to show the same sarcasm that you've used for so long now, you don't even recognize when you do it. How does it feel when someone treats you the same way as you treat them? That medicine tastes bad doesn't it? We do agree on one thing- we are both stubborn. Now that we have helped each other I feel much better, how about you? ; )

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