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  1. Yeah your only option is to set the pedal on the other effects to not change using heal toe in same place.
  2. Yes I believe you do. Something else I have noticed that if you have the M13 off the signal to the front of amp is not there. The signal to the return is.
  3. Is it the proper power supply that came with the device? You can buy the correct power supply on its own if needed. There isn't much user serviceable stuff in there.
  4. Do you have the advanced user guide? There are some midi details in there. You can download from line 6. Cheers.
  5. 2 things: - put the m5 in Omni to rule out mismatched midi channel. - the program change also uses a memory location with it. Like Bank/Patch. What memory address and program change are you sending? I wonder if the other device is sending a program change but not the bank etc. The table of midi addresses and CCs is in the user guide.
  6. +1. The M's are such an amazing device. If you think of the box as a platform with new effects being added every so often, this thing could live forever.
  7. On the M's it is so easy to edit on the device, I can see why there is no computer editor. Interesting that the tweak a parameter, and compare didn't work. I made a patch print utility years ago for the x3l bundle file and did that exact thing to find the params. You had to do both ends of the range of values. I guess it's because it's a dump and not a structured file.
  8. I don't know honestly. Rack exists. Not sure about bean. I just don't understand switching banks with the manual interface whan you can use the foots witches on yhe left. Up and down. Combined with the large patch name view I can get around with my feet. I don't use a bunch of patches in a session and I group them close to each other.
  9. Cool. Are you using the bean and not the floor model? If so It might be worth adding the shortboard. I'm not 100% sure but I believe they work together and makes switching patches easier.
  10. Either I am misreading terminology or something is amiss in this topic. The thread title says it all. I use the foot version. - setlists contain banks of presets. I have one for guitar and one for bass. - switching patches requires a dsp memory reload so it is not ideal in a song where there is continuous playing through the patch change. - In 1-8 mode you get all 8 switches to turn different stomps on and off. - in 1-8 mode, to switch patches you simply tap the bank down switch with your foot (the first tap does not swith banks yet) and then tap a, b, c, d. To switch patches in that bank. - in 1-8 mode, to switch to a patch in another bank, tap the bank up or down twice and then a, b, c, d. - if you arrange your banks and patches right you should not need to view the screen to move around to dramatically to get to the next needed patch. - if seeing the patch number, letter are a problem standing up, switch to the large patch name view. I am very near sighted and this works for even me. - rather then dialing in complicated single song variances across patches use the stomp boxes on and off with 1-8 setup. - you can assign more then 1 stomp to a switch - now that you are simplifying yoir tone variants with 1-8 you get more out of a single patch meaning in a bank you get more out of a, b, c, d switching without switching banks. - keep other options one bank away so they are easy to switch to without viewing screen up close or having to use a knob with fingers. - switching set lists is rare for me using this approach. This is the only time I have to get close to a screen.
  11. I partially did this for x3l bundle files. You can read patch names and byte values. I actually did it as a website and people would print oit patch names. I did a few core values but did not fight through every param. What you have to do is make a minor change the see where the change in the file is. Repeat watching min and max. For that bundle it was predictable where the params were. I bet the newer files are the same. It's just more effort than it was worth for me. But it can be done. I can tell you there is lots of stated interest for it but you will not make much money. Like pizza money. For ine family. One meal. It was fun but I wouldn't want to do it again. Read the bytes in the file, parse based on what younsee change.
  12. Yeah. Single user not a good justification for how much work this would take.
  13. If anyone is curious the way you figure out where params are in the file is to tweak them one at a time and compare the changes in a hex/byte viewer. You do a param at 0, some value and max value. This is very tedious and a ton of work.
  14. I have some experience with this. I created a website for the x3l that you uploaded your bundle to. It read the bundle and gave you back the patch list and some basic params you could then print. Line6 could have easily added a print function in the librarian but has not. Someone with lots of free time could do the same thing and parse the file. I went far enough to know that it's possible. However, the use case of people uploading patches to a shared site, so some other user can enter in params by hand is so small it should never be considered. Like the patch name print function, it should be a part of the official librarian to parse and export the individual settings. Even better the custim tone site could display all of the params on the website. It would make sime of its users more productive but probably wouldn't have any impact on the company's success. They are probably going to stear everything towards Helix and less expensive boards that you replace more often rather then the HD line. Having partially done what the OP has requested I can say the effort is not worth it as an outside party. Perhaps NTH but not worth the effort.
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