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  1. Hey guys, I was hoping to get some advice for a problem I'm having. I use my POD HD500x with my amp's head using the four-cable method ( Since I've been using it like that, it's been great with no problems at all. But recently my amp became too quiet to hear over the drums, and I've had to crank the volume to around 1 o'clock, while previously keeping it at around 8 o'clock would be plenty loud. I thought perhaps it was time to change my tubes (it was gonna have to happen one day anyway), so I retubed the head, and tried playing today and it was still too quiet. The amp's probably not the issue, because it is still very loud when I plug the guitar directly into the input If I use the amp, and in the FX Loop use a noise gate (fx send -> gate -> fx return), it's still just as loud If, in the FX loop, I use the POD, it makes it very quiet, even when my guitar is going directly into the input. So if I use a noise gate on the POD and put it in the FX Loop (fx send -> pod with only gate -> fx return), it's quiet, but as soon as I unplug it from the FX return, it's back to being loud. This makes me think that there might be something wrong with the POD, but when I practice at home using headphones it's fine. I've also checked to see if it's my cab, by swapping it with a different head (it's not) and if it's my head, by swapping it with a different cab (also not the issue). As far as I can remember I haven't touched any of the settings on the POD, the master volume is always to max, etc. I've attached what my settings are on the POD just in case, but I don't think that has anything to do with it, as I haven't changed anything and I really like the setup. If anyone can offer me some guidance or help troubleshooting it'd be much appreciated. I've got a feeling that nothing is actually broken, but I'm stumped.
  2. Edit: I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum so..... Hey guys, I was hoping to get some advice for a problem I'm having. I use my POD HD500x with my amp's head using the four-cable method ( Since I've been using it like that, it's been great with no problems at all. But recently my amp became too quiet to hear over the drums, and I've had to crank the volume to around 1 o'clock, while previously keeping it at around 8 o'clock would be plenty loud. I thought perhaps it was time to change my tubes (it was gonna have to happen one day anyway), so I retubed the head, and tried playing today and it was still too quiet. The amp's probably not the issue, because it is still very loud when I plug the guitar directly into the input If I use the amp, and in the FX Loop use a noise gate (fx send -> gate -> fx return), it's still just as loud If, in the FX loop, I use the POD, it makes it very quiet, even when my guitar is going directly into the input. So if I use a noise gate on the POD and put it in the FX Loop (fx send -> pod with only gate -> fx return), it's quiet, but as soon as I unplug it from the FX return, it's back to being loud. This makes me think that there might be something wrong with the POD, but when I practice at home using headphones it's fine. I've also checked to see if it's my cab, by swapping it with a different head (it's not) and if it's my head, by swapping it with a different cab (also not the issue). As far as I can remember I haven't touched any of the settings on the POD, the master volume is always to max, etc. If anyone can offer me some guidance or help troubleshooting it'd be much appreciated. I've got a feeling that nothing is actually broken, but I'm stumped. I've also attached what my settings are on the POD just in case, but I don't think that has anything to do with it
  3. Thank you very much! This is exactly what I was looking for.
  4. Is there any easier way to switch between presets on the HD500X? Instead of how I do it now, where I select presets by first hitting one of the arrow switches to get to the bank selector, where I can see the 4 presets in that current bank and my current preset flashing and then pressing A B C or D to change to one of the others. What I'd like to do instead, is be able to change with only one footswitch press. Is there some way I can permanetly remain on this bank selector screen, or can I map the A B C D footswitches to other completely different presets, instead of toggling effects? I used to have an HD400 and I believe it was possible to change presets by just hitting A B C or D, but it also had less footswitches able to be assigned to effects, unless I am remembering it incorrectly. I use the 4 cable method so I can use my head's distortion, and the way I change from distorted to clean right now for songs is first remember to 'prime' the POD by pressing one of the arrow switches, and then at the pressing my amp's footswitch to go to clean while simultaneously pressing the A B C or D footswitches on the POD to change patches. Then to go back to distortion I have to again remember to 'prime' the POD, then simultaneously press the POD and my amp's footswitch. Pressing two switches at once is not a problem, but that first step of getting to the bank selector screen is a hassle, I'd like to be able to cut that out. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  5. I don't know what the problem was, but I managed to fix it by reinstalling windows, and then selectively installing the programs and testing ableton and the pod each time. Eventually I installed everything I needed back with no crashing.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I ran Slimdrivers and updated the 4 drivers it said were out of date. But I still crash. I also uninstalled ASIO4ALL but it still causes me to crash either after using the DAW for a short time, or immediately as soon as I open up another program. I also temporarily disabled my antivirus and it still crashes. All crashes with the same error, "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_OR_LESS_EQUAL(l6podhd5se64.sys)"
  7. I'm having an issue with my POD HD500x in which when I open up my DAW (Ableton Live 9) configured to use the POD so I can record, it crashes my computer pretty much every time. The information on the blue screen tells me that it the error is: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_OR_LESS_EQUAL(l6podhd5se64.sys), so I think it may be a driver issue. However, I've updated everything on my POD again after doing a factory reset (USB Firmware, Flash memory, Drivers) and Monkey shows that it's all up to date, but this has not resolved anything. I've done pretty much everything I could with Monkey. I've also used memtest to check my ram in case that is the issue but I don't think it is. It still crashes every time, either after a bit of messing around or recording or editing, or it crashes immediately upon opening up another program, although sometimes the error is KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE. So pretty much I have been unable to use my POD to record anything and I don't know what the issue is or how to fix it. Searching the support knowledge base told me to uninstall the driver usbfilter.sys but my computer is not an AMD. The list of USB drivers I have in System32>Drivers is usbccgp.sys, usbcir.sys, usbd.sys, usbehci.sys, usbhub.sys, USBHUB3.SYS, usbohci.sys, usbport.sys, usbprint.sys, usbrmp.sys, SUBSTOR.SYS, usbuhci.sys, usbvideo.sys, USBXHCI.SYS. Thank you.
  8. Thanks for your quick reply duncann, that seemed to solve it. The options to adjust input/output buffer sizes are disabled now, but adjusting the driver error compensation now gives me no latency. I had already disabled monitoring through Ableton, but thanks for the suggestion hurghanico. Hopefully someone with a similar problem will find this topic.
  9. I've had my POD HD500x for a few years now and used to use Reaper to record tracks, but recently got a new computer and now use Ableton. However, I get a lot of latency that I can't seem to get rid of. I use Windows 8.1, and Ableton Live Suite 9.1.2 64 bit. My POD has been updated completely. I've messed around in the preferences to no avail (I've attached a screenshot). I can't get the input buffer size to be any lower than 256. I've tried to adjust it to 128 but it just resets. I really don't know what the problem could be. Is it some 32bit/64bit issue? Is it the USB 2.0 cable into a USB 3.0 port? Any help at all would be appreciated. I don't want to go back to Reaper when now I have crazy powerful Ableton.
  10. Thank you I was really stumped there but the issue was my looper playback volume was all the way down.
  11. Is the unit defective? I bought it new from I can return it but not replace it as I bought it from Alto Music "fulfilled by Amazon".
  12. Help please? I still can't get it to work. I'm following the manual exactly but nothing records and nothing plays back.
  13. I got one of these this week and have been messing around with it but I can't seem to get the looper to work. I access the looper by pressing the looper button on the board, then I hit record, play something, then i hit play/stop, but nothing plays back. Am I missing something?
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