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Found 4 results

  1. It seems so clear to me now! What took me so long? Here is the fun way to balance your volume across all of your patches. Go to YouTube Pick a backing track in the style that you most commonly play. I am a funk, blues fusion kind of player so my banks are set up : clean, rhythm crunch, lead. Turn up the amp and turn on the backing track and have fun! I start with rhythm and level all of those so i can switch between them without any volume difference. I move to cleans. My cleans typically are the Eric Johnson style: chorus, 2 delays and comp. I arpeggiate a pretty chord and make sure it cuts properly in the mix. I tweak all of the cleans until I can switch between all of them with no volume difference. Repeat for the other banks and patches A couple of observations in this process... This process assumes you have patches set up that you like. You don't want to get side tracked "fixing" a patch. This is about volume adjustment only. Sometimes you don't need more volume to get a patch to cut through the band mix. Sometimes a simple boost in the mids or other eq adjustments will do the trick. Only use one guitar. Pick the one you use the most. Don't use multiple YouTube videos: pick one and stick with one. That way there is no moving volume target since one video may be louder than the next Works with any guitar: Going from Strat to Les Paul? After you have finished leveling your patches just turn down the overall volume of the amp when you pick up the Les Paul. The patch change volumes are in relation to one another. Should be fine! For Variax players, you can level the volume of your modeled pickups so you won't have to deal with any amp adjustments. I use blue tooth through the amp for the backing track, then I'll put the backing track through the P.A. to confirm that my patches are good. Playing with the band is the final confirmation. Uber fun and useful cause you are playin a boat load of 🎸! And that is always good!
  2. Hey Guys, So I've been running a PODHD500 into a DT50 (112) using the Line6 link. I have all my patches volumes carefully set evenly to make sure they boost appropriately for leads etc. I run the Master on the POD all the way up and the Master on the Amp at around 9 oclock for most rooms we play. The problem I've been having lately is that when I change patches (say for example to my lead patch), the volume goes WAYYY too high all of a sudden, even though I have it set at a comfortable level normally. Then, If I click the same patch footswitch a second time, the volume goes back to normal. I've made sure of the obvious, that my levels werent accidentally adjusted and Im not accidentally hitting any volume knobs. I have all the latest firmware, and take great care of my gear, so I'm a little dumbfounded. please help if you've experienced this. Thanks! Jordan
  3. Any suggestions on how to normalize the preset volume across presets. One idea of mine is to use the compressor and add or reduce dB to get to the same volume. I think that it can be turned on in the preset and can be done without assigning it to a footswitch position. Any other ideas?
  4. JTV/VDI>PODHD500/L6>DT25 Using different models with different voicings, I've never, ever been able to get my patches level across both the DT speaker and the DT D.I. in the year that I've had it. I spend most of my time in LVM but this also is the case in Full Vol. w/preamps It's mostly the models that use voicing 3 on the DT. Matched at speaker volume (AND matched listening through the pod's own headphone jack), they become way quieter in the DI (relative to the other voices in all cases). (See my test settings below) After emailing tech support numerous times I finally got a useable answer as to why this was, and I was NOT happy. "Unfortunately on DT25 amp the Master Vol on the DT25 does not control DI at all. The DI is controlled by the output of the modeling amps used on the POD. Sorry if this isn't ideal for your set up." How would that be ideal for anyone's setup? If the DI on your amp doesn't actually reflect what's coming out of your amp, that is, well, I guess I can't get my head around that. Totally not ideal. I'm guessing that this all is reflective of a L6 hookup between the pod and the dt? I also guess that's why the the pent/tri or class switches do nothing to the DI sound. What about when the dt is used standalone? Is the DI signal pre-master vol? Is it the same situation for LVM and Full Vol? Can I set the master vol on the dt so it will at least be closer matched to the pod's output? Or vice versa? The patches are level at the DT speaker. The patches are level at the POD hedphone out. Why in the holy f*%k are they not level at the DT's DI?!?!?!??? Because the sonics that come from your amp, which you're trying to duplicate via an output on that very same amp is not actually being controlled from nor does it sound like your amp. Absolutely brilliant. Anyone have anything to add? Please have something to add... System settings: (for all patches) Input 1: guitar+variax Input 2: variax Mixer block: Path A +0dB center panned Path B mute I also set every single patch to Class A/B Pentode and an identical JTV setting. POD mstr vol: 75% DT mstr vol: 75%
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