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Firehawk boost?


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I just got my new Firehawk.  Moving from a Vetta and am tired of hauling it to gigs.  One of the things I really liked about the Vetta was the boost function.  I could hit one switch and get up to a 12db boost.  Anything comparable to that with the Firehawk.

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There is nothing like that on the FH. There are a few ways you can do soething like that. (1) program the volume pedal for your patches with a specific range, with the upper being your "boost", while programming the other components of your patch based on the lower volume level you had set the range to.... or (2) choose an overdrive pedal, say the "HD overdrive, adjust te drive way down, and the output to where you want your boost to be....or (3) put an external pedal in the effects loop, say an EQ pedal, and stomp on it for your boost.

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I rememb


I just got my new Firehawk.  Moving for a Vetta and am tired of hauling it to gigs.  One of the things I really liked about the Vetta was the boost function.  I could hit one switch and get up to a 12db boost.  Anything comparable to that with the Firehawk.

I remember this once from playing with the HD500x and tried it with the Firehawk and it works well. Go to your effects loop, you can add db volume there into the loop. I use a small patch cable and jump from the effects loop out to the effects loop in and then assign the effects loop to a pedal. It works well if you are looking to just boost your current tone. 

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I plugged two cables into left/right send and returns, with the button between them on "stomp" mode, then turned on the effects loop, on the patch I was using, and the patch boosted very high with the db's at 0, so I brought down the send to -7, saved to an empty stomp button, and voila, a lead boost was born! I will probably use this on other effects as well, just to have an easy way of normalizing volume to set levels on patches to be the same without removing any of the characteristics. I had left the mix at 50%- Bringing it up decreases the volume. Thanks again Gshamusphoto!

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