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Am I Evil?


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@ Rad

when the other demons heard the crazy intense music that friend Brazzy composed for you, they understood you must be a VIP and not an enough malignant soul, and so have left you free to fly toward better horizons..



@ Brazzy

I like the spontaneity and genuineness in your music, the guitar tones are also quite interesting


I like your thinking hurghanico! Thanks Man!!!


too true!  thanks for busting me out Brazzy!


.....and Ya know it! It's time to bust loose with the "Cha Cha!" "Fly Be Freeeeeeeee!" :)


I just did the "Cha Cha!" with my 3 cable method ValveKing and I'm trying to refine this set up. It's not too bad so far, it's a work in progress I guess, lol.

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Don't worry about the down points. I don't want my head crushed. I have enough problems with my head, as is evidenced below. LOL


Sometime in the recent past I suspect you changed your avatar again. First it was the circle of guitars, then the checkered pattern -- and here's where the funny part starts -- then the current checkered pattern with the optical illusion of a tunnel. This last avatar change coincided with radatats escaping hell and giving up the Evil. My theory is you provided him the means to escape via your newly constructed avatar which is actually a portal to/from hell. Or is it one way only?


I haven't figured out yet where this plane suddenly popped up from, or how it fits into everything yet. Did it come from the portal? Is it somehow an anti666 device, or is it really a disguised 666 device because you left the portal open for things to escape. What happens if you reverse the optical illusion? Lots of strange sh!t going on lately.


And how does all the black and white colors fit in. Black and white avatar, mostly white plane. Black windows on the plane. Does this have anything to do with the giant stay puff marshmellow man?

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But what if he has the y-axis reversed for up/down movement, which is normally reversed to begin with in planes? So that means to make the plane go down he has to push down and we have to vote up, twice? And when we vote up the plane travels down, once? When we vote up then down the plane does a reverse loop? Now I'm getting confused.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, I contacted Line 6 and they confirmed it: a REPO dept is going to be created on behalf of radatats! Unfortunately, this siphons off resources from the continuing improvement of Helix. Thanks a lot radatats! :angry:  That is just so residually Evil.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

My milestone... 3 digits... yay!


Two thirds of the way to my little Cessna 150. I used to fly one of those before I had children.




That looks like the plane I've flown in three times. In fact, the only plane I've ever flown in. Regrettably, or not, I've never experienced landing in one.

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I would guess that means you went sky diving, but a 150 is rather small for that type of adventure.


Yup. It was tons of fun. Don't know if that's the exact plane, but it looks like it. They crammed about four of us into the back, no seats, and hardly any room at all, and one by one we had to crawl out on the wing and hang off the strut and let go. Wwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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