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I own a POD HD500 and use it for church performance. Since I lead worship near the pastor's podium, the HD500 is just too large for me to keep up front where I can change it, so I've just been using one setting at all times and using a wireless system. I purchase an FBV Express MKII because I thought I read that it was compatible with the HD500, however, before it arrived at my doorstep I realized that it in fact was NOT compatible.


I've seen many posts about using the HD500 as a MIDI controller to control other things, but I haven't seen anything concerning using another MIDI device to control the HD500. Is it possible to control it using another MIDI device?


If so, any recommendations on a small MIDI footswitch with expression pedal? The FBV Express MKII would have been the perfect size if it had been compatible, but most of the MIDI controllers I see with expression pedals are as large or larger than my POD.


Thanks for your time!

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