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Cabs and IRs sometimes unresponsive


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I’ve had this happen a few times.  I create a new patch using the Helix editor with an amp and two cabs or IRs (or a combination of both) at a split.  I’ll try different cabs (single) and IRs looking for a particular sound and even though I can select different cabs and IRs, and I can select different settings, using both my laptop and the Helix rack, the patch doesn’t “see†the cab or IR.  It works initially, but then doesn't.  I get a sound for the cab/IR that’s muffled, and no matter what cab/IR I select or what settings for them I try, I hear the exact same muffled sound.  The Helix shows I am selecting different cabs/IRs and different settings for them, but I hear the exact same sound.  I can’t fix the patch, meaning, I can’t get the cabs/IRs to work even if I delete them and add new ones.  I assume I can copy a working patch into that slot, but I haven’t bothered with that yet.  I did try a reset to factor conditions but this still happens occasionally.  I can’t recreate this at will and it happens with very simple patches.  I did search the forum for this and saw nothing.  Maybe cabs and unresponsive are the wrong search terms. Any thoughts?  Thanks!

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i have the same effect from time to time, but i think, people wich never experienced this won't belive it. Seems to me that the helix get's blind to all cabs. If the effect started, it can only be stopped by repowering the helix. Even the latest firmware releases did'nt fix it on my unit but - as said, it appears from time to time, not every day. Still hope this is a software thing and nothing wrong with the hardware.

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Each of you should submit a Support Ticket to Line 6 documenting what you are encountering. Doing so is the best way to bring this to Line 6's attention (if they are not already aware of the symptom). They may also want you to submit your problematic Preset(s), for examination. So be sure to save them if you still have them on your Helix.


There is a new firmware (version 2.20) due before Month's end. As, each firmware release includes a variety of general improvements and bug stability fixes (that are not otherwise specifically nor individually identified), it is possible that by the time you upgrade to version 2.20 and import or regenerate your previously problematic Presets, the problem may be gone. If not, at least you will already have submitted the Support Ticket and have preserved your problematic Presets.


It is also possible that the symptom is a result of the firmware more so than a particular Preset. Nonetheless, each of you have observed the behavior and will know when it no longer persists.

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I did something similar, but it was my fault. Not thinking, I created a parallel cab and IR so I could compare the two. I was switching one on and the other off. When switching the other off, I essentially created a path around the other and was just feeding the signal out of the amp bypassing the cabinet. 

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All other changes can be made and can be heard, like FX and routing changes. It's only the cabs and IRs in an occasional preset I create that don't respond.

Interesting bug, if it is one. And it goes away after restart? (Can't see the rest of the thread from here, on my phone.)
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It doesn't go away after restarting (for me).  Recall it's only in select patches and their messed up until I copy a new patch in their place.  I'm interested in what jbuhajla said above:


"I did something similar, but it was my fault. Not thinking, I created a parallel cab and IR so I could compare the two. I was switching one on and the other off. When switching the other off, I essentially created a path around the other and was just feeding the signal out of the amp bypassing the cabinet."


I test out the sound of cabs and IRs this way, using a Split Y, meaning when I am trying to blend two different cabs/IRs, I'll have one off and vice versa while I check the tone of one on.  For me, on a preset that works, I can do this and hear the diff cabs and IRs as I scroll through with only one on (I just did it as I typed this).  I don't think I understand what you (jbuhajla) said.  It sounds like my issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if I created it (D'oh), but I don't quite get what you said (or I got it but it's not my experience).

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It doesn't go away after restarting (for me).  Recall it's only in select patches and their messed up until I copy a new patch in their place.  I'm interested in what jbuhajla said above:


"I did something similar, but it was my fault. Not thinking, I created a parallel cab and IR so I could compare the two. I was switching one on and the other off. When switching the other off, I essentially created a path around the other and was just feeding the signal out of the amp bypassing the cabinet."


I test out the sound of cabs and IRs this way, using a Split Y, meaning when I am trying to blend two different cabs/IRs, I'll have one off and vice versa while I check the tone of one on.  For me, on a preset that works, I can do this and hear the diff cabs and IRs as I scroll through with only one on (I just did it as I typed this).  I don't think I understand what you (jbuhajla) said.  It sounds like my issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if I created it (D'oh), but I don't quite get what you said (or I got it but it's not my experience).

Can you take a pick of your preset screen so we can see how you have it set up while the issue is present?

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Thanks for the latest advice (will do!).  I have a pic below.  I haven't had the problem with any new patches since I got the hang of the Helix (at least the fundamentals) and I've created at least 20 keepers recently.  I'm thinking in my newness I did some weird thing that caused this problem, especially since it seems only 1-2 of the thousands of users had this issue!  Unless you have any other suggestions after seeing this, I'll prob move on and not worry about it unless it happens agapost-2532594-0-84694100-1489678591_thumb.pngin.  If that's the case, I'll do a ticket and have Line 6 take a look.  As always, thanks!

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Thanks for the latest advice (will do!).  I have a pic below.  I haven't had the problem with any new patches since I got the hang of the Helix (at least the fundamentals) and I've created at least 20 keepers recently.  I'm thinking in my newness I did some weird thing that caused this problem, especially since it seems only 1-2 of the thousands of users had this issue!  Unless you have any other suggestions after seeing this, I'll prob move on and not worry about it unless it happens agaattachicon.gifExample.PNGin.  If that's the case, I'll do a ticket and have Line 6 take a look.  As always, thanks!

Sometimes the block icons become unresponsive when turning the block on or off, but the block turns on and off. I inadvertantly turned something off while that was happening but the icon still indicated that it was on, which really threw me off. 


Try AK's suggestion above if you want to blend the IR/cab. 

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Sometimes the block icons become unresponsive when turning the block on or off, but the block turns on and off. I inadvertantly turned something off while that was happening but the icon still indicated that it was on, which really threw me off.


Try AK's suggestion above if you want to blend the IR/cab.

This happens to me so much now. The chain is almost always freezing on me until I change a parameter or move the joystick.


Another think to make sure is that you have irons loaded in your IR slots. I know it's a bonehead thing but sometimes we make bonehead mistakes

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Doug6String, I see you OP mentions you created the Patch using the Helix Editor. On a PC or Mac?


To the others whom responded that you too were occassionally encountering freezes, was this while using the Editor? Or, Helix in stand alone mode? If with the Editor, on PC or Mac?

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Doug6String, I see you OP mentions you created the Patch using the Helix Editor. On a PC or Mac?


To the others whom responded that you too were occassionally encountering freezes, was this while using the Editor? Or, Helix in stand alone mode? If with the Editor, on PC or Mac?

Icons freezing when connected to PC running Editor. I don't think it was happening when on Mac, but I haven't connected to that in a while. 

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I have experienced this also. 


I reported a bug with merge mixers. I'm not sure if this is related. If I have a merge mixer in a patch from time to time effects after the merge don't load or update correctly. If I remove the second input (removing the second input) and save things get back into sync. Rebooting also works.  If you setup two inputs into a merge mixer with effects after the mixer and save the patch then go back to it and decide to remove an post mixer effect then hit save the helix will reinsert the effect for you after you save.  It doesn't matter if you use the editor or not. I rebuilt several of my patches without a merge mixer and things seem more stable. I also rebuilt the critical stuff like like amp modeling and Impulse responses and volume so they are on the same signal path since the last thing I want is full volume full range guitar in a live mix. 

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I am using Windows 10 (so PC).  And to reiterate one thing, turning the Helix on/off, using the Helix instead of the editor has no effect for me.  It seems my patches get corrupted rather than a temp software issue (noting a corrupt patch is likely software, of course) than might be "fixed" with the usual steps for any computer.

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