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turn Pitch Whammy on with Exp1


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Hello, I'm trying to get Pitch Whammy on with the exp1 pedal within a snapshot, without changing snapshots.

So, example. I'm playing Killing in the name off, RATM, and from lead want to go into solo. When pushing down the Exp1 it should turn on and control (heel and toe pitch) the Whammy.

When pushing down to the switch it should turn of again and get into lead.

I can't get it done. Any suggestions?

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When you write a reply, note the "click to choose files" link. If you save your preset to your PC, you can attach it to your post in this way.  In a nutshell, you want to map the "bypass" of the pitch wham to the exp1 toeswitch.

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3 minutes ago, Thenizze said:

I could export it and attache the .hlx file? is that what you mean?


1 minute ago, j_hotch said:

When you write a reply, note the "click to choose files" link. If you save your preset to your PC, you can attach it you your post in this way.



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Oke, here's the preset. Within snapshot 3 I want from leadsound to solosound without having to switch snapshot, because then I have to switch the footswitch 11 AND use the exppedal 1 to get the whammy effect with heel and toe setting.

I'd rather be able to use it within snapshot 3, push the Exp1 pedal to turn Pitch Whammy on, move the exp1 pedal for heel and toe expression.



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1 hour ago, Thenizze said:

Oke, here's the preset. Within snapshot 3 I want from leadsound to solosound without having to switch snapshot, because then I have to switch the footswitch 11 AND use the exppedal 1 to get the whammy effect with heel and toe setting.

I'd rather be able to use it within snapshot 3, push the Exp1 pedal to turn Pitch Whammy on, move the exp1 pedal for heel and toe expression.




Not sure I am entirely clear on what you are trying to set up but I hope this helps. If I did get your intention correctly you were pretty much there, all you had to do essentially was remove the footswitch 11 assignment and assign the bypass for the whammy to the toe switch. Then go in and set the bypass states for the volume and the whammy block to switch back and forth between them (e.g. toe switch on EPX1 - volume bypassed whammy active and the reverse for EXP 2). The attached preset may help get you in the right direction. It is your preset slightly modified. If you don't want to use the expression pedal toe switch to switch on the whammy you could set it to come on using the expression pedal position as well. Another approach would be to set both the volume block and whammy bypass to footswitch 11 and have that footswitch alternate between volume and whammy.


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1 hour ago, Thenizze said:

Hi HO, don´t know what u did, but this is exacly what I mean. So it works great. Thanks m8


Glad to hear it worked! The key to this is looking at how the bypass assignments are set up for the whammy and volume blocks. Amazing how complex assignments can get for the Helix. Cool preset btw.

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