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JTV 89 Sound Degradation

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I have noticed that my JTV89 (original), particularly with the HD500x, has gotted very "honky" and piercing in the midrange, at around 1k. This hasn't always been the case. Also, the strat model has gotten more hollow and breathy sounding. I have to put an EQ pedal in front of the Pod and completely cut the 1k band to keep my ears from aching.


I have had the JTV89 for about 8 years now. Any chance this might be a side effect of a degrading piezo? 

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It's possible. I would try giving each piezo a squirt of this.


Best stuff around. I know the JTV-69's piezo's are grounded through the piezo's outer coating touching the area it's in. I believe the same is true of the JTV-89. Next time you change your strings, spray some around the piezo's. Don't worry about overspray. If that doesn't work you can buy new piezos.


Here's the info if you want to do that.


Thank you for the email and interest in Graph Tech. I would be happy to help with your inquiry
1) Yes, the bridge on your JTV 89F is one of our PN-0080-B0 ghost bridges
2) Yes, the saddles on this bridge are of the PN-0080-B6 variety
3) You can purchase the entire saddle (the price would be pro-rated) or simply the inserts themselves. 
4) We don't have printed instructions for this process but I can spell them out very easily. 
If an order interests you, please provide a complete shipping address and I will generate a sales quote for your evaluation.
We accept Visa, MasterCard & PayPal
I await your response
Best regards!
Gray Bramwell

Product Development & Technical Support
Graph Tech Guitar Labs
#5-7551 Vantage Way, Delta BC Canada V4G1C9
Toll Free: 1-800-388-7011 ext.123 (international only)
t: 604.940.5353 ext. 123
f: 604.940.4961
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