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Is that it done for Firmware ?


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Last firmware update was a year ago , wondering if anyone has heard rumblings about an update (to add stuff or whatever like Helix gets and to make the product more attractive the market place ) .. Regarding the software, they could do with letting the APP do full backup dumps of the amp which the PC version does ----- and let the PC version have access to the tone cloud ....... amazed they`ve not sorted that . 

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I wouldn't hold your breath for an update, this is considered to be an entry level product and functions well for what is expected of it. The only improvement I would like is being able to bank up or down with presets on Spider Edit. It's  such a pain to have to toggle one preset at a time to go from one bank to another.

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Unlike smartphones, amps only require updates for issues to be fixed or for new features to be delivered.     You'll note that a new firmware was just released for the V 20 but that is different enough that the firmware doesn't apply to the V 30 or higher.


As for feature additions, these are possible and is why ideascale is used to inform Line 6 of great ideas, but until they are close to being released Line 6 keeps it close to their chest.    Why provide the competitors a description of a feature and possibly have them scoop them on the feature release?   


Purchasing a product on future "unrealized" capabilities tends to lead to unmet expectations.   


Coming from a Fender Mustang V2  series amp and the discontinued "Fender Fuse" software that has not been updated for some time and frequent inability to connect to their Fender cloud media library, the software for the Android as well as the PC software from Line 6 are at least from the same year and work with the current OS releases.    Granted I still have the Fender amp and use it periodically (I leave it at work for practice during breaks and don't worry about it being "borrowed")   The Spider V is used for everything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always buy things for what they are now ................. doesn`t mean that I can't hope they will fix anomalies like editor inconsistency, especially given the amount of complaints about the PC editor's lack of Cloud connectivity ...... 


Fender is a different thing entirely, we`re talking about a master of guitars and traditional valve & Solid state analog amps who`ve dipped their toes in the digital waters With Cyber & mustang .. It`s a miracle there ever was an editor for the mustang and Superchamp-X2 at all ! . Line-6 are the total opposite, total Digital specialists that had to rope Reinhold Bogner in to make a valve output stage for a couple of amps . 

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  • 2 months later...

It would be nice if they added: 

  • More drum loops w/ tempo control, or added a feature where we could add our own drum loops.
  • Add proper pitch Bend and Smart Harmony effects that were on the Spider IV
  • Straighten out the weird volume bogs that seem to happen still on some of the amps, especially when using an FBV 3
  • Straighten out interactivity between the amps and devices (I know this may be dependent on the OSes rather than the Amp firmware.
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