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Progressive Audio Drop Out With Podx3 Live?


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So I've browsed and read as many forums as possible.  I understand that early podx3 live's will have usb audio drop out, with windows 8 computers.  Unless they have a new hardware part installed.

I've spoken with my local long and mcquade, they said it would be a 22 week return time.  Little much.  I need my pod for my band as the vocalist, the tap delay is fantastic...and need the pod for my recorded guitar work with another band.  22 weeks, can kiss my arse.


Has anyone done this on their own?  I am a techy anyways, is there a posting somewhere of the Technical Bulletin #52 anywhere?  Or is there a software fix for this yet?


K those questions aside....


When I first started to use my podx3 live with windows 8, it was a battle for soundcards.  Then it would last almost an hour, before audio drop out, now it won't last a minute.

Is this normal for the "audio dropout"???????


I've used new and old USB cables, tried all the usb ports, front and back, don't use a hub.


I want to hulk smash something, but need to know which should go first.  Since my pod has no warranty, maybe I should just trade it in for a pod hd (but a broke lollipop nugga)....but if I did that,  will I be able to keep my custom tones????

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from the sounds of things, you might be better off just getting an addon use card for your computer...

the problem surfaces with certain chipset usb ports... there was never a definitive good/bad chipset list...

but users occasionally reported back on what was working, and i seem to recall that many had luck with NEC chipset cards.

anyway.. painless solution at around 20$... although you may have to try a couple of different ones.


also there are 2 specific issues... the "audio dropout" which was fixed with a firmware issue... and your issue the "usb dropout" or "usb audio dropout"

just clarifying in case someone finds this in a search later...


and yes you are correct... none of your x3 tones would work on the HD pods.

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awesome, ok....firmware...thats the downloadable upgrading, correct?  Because, perhaps I should try that, except...line 6 monkey can never find the pod...haha.  Windows 8.  I'm extraordinarily upset with. Took me forever to bipass the latency and use the damn pod as a sound card...but then my midi keyboard was experiencing crazy latency....asio4all....but can't run both. Thank you very much for the swift replies. Trying to get monkey to open now. .........

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ok, so upgraded everything. So I'm still getting drop out, no sound from any programs, they just freeze up, recording programs stop producing sound.  The counters roll...but the bars don't move.  I can still hear my guitar, tho. haha. So I'm guessing that i INFACT am having usb dropout?

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Yeah totally sounds like the usb dropout issue.

very frustrating trust me... i remember it all too well.

i had the hardware fix done at the time and was made much happier.


they are officially ending support for the x3 january 1st.

if i was you i would open a support ticket and see if you can get them to fix it.

despite the hassles it will be worth it...

maybe they can let you hang onto it and call you when the parts available?

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I'm pulling my hair out. haha.

I wish they would release the bulletin, or show how to do hardware part, if they aren't going to support it. I've had nothing but problems with my pod x3 live since I got it. Had it warranty'd in the first 3 months and told that my house power was the cause of the issues then, blew something...waited forever, so spend money on a ups and power conditioner....then my old awesome comp with xp litterally caught fire (Not line 6's fault).  Now this.  This is almost the last straw with me and  line 6 haha. I had everything dialed to worries, recordings were awesome, no hassle and my quest for tone was complete.


If anyone knows the secret to the be fantastic.


Thank you Zap.  Appreciated muchly

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No - the fix is to have a hardware part replaced in the X3 Live device. Call Line 6 to report this, or open a support ticket, before Jan. 1. I believe this particular issue is covered under a lifetime warranty. You should only have to pay shipping if necessary.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you are a tech, grab yourself a 24.000MHZ crystal osc.  Pull the 24.000MHz USB UART clock crystal out of the board.  Fit the crystal osc to the unit by double sided taping it to one of of the SMD chips near the UART.  Non SMD 3.3V CO's are hard to find these days so I used a 5V one and powered it up of the 7805 ref nearby.


Since the mod, my unit is much improved.  No dropouts on ASIO drivers, but still has some problems on some USB ports with the WDM drivers.  But all the same.. I'm much happier now.


If you're worried about the 5V on a 3.3V CMOS UART, then you can pick up 3.3V from pin 8 of U6.  The output of the CO goes to PIN 12 of the USB UART (XTAL IN) U1 CY768013A-56.  The 5V OSC I used seems to be happy on either 5V or 3.3V even though 3.3V is out of spec.


Do at own risk  :D


Hope that helps.





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  • 2 months later...

If you are a tech, grab yourself a 24.000MHZ crystal osc.  Pull the 24.000MHz USB UART clock crystal out of the board.  Fit the crystal osc to the unit by double sided taping it to one of of the SMD chips near the UART.  Non SMD 3.3V CO's are hard to find these days so I used a 5V one and powered it up of the 7805 ref nearby.


Since the mod, my unit is much improved.  No dropouts on ASIO drivers, but still has some problems on some USB ports with the WDM drivers.  But all the same.. I'm much happier now.


If you're worried about the 5V on a 3.3V CMOS UART, then you can pick up 3.3V from pin 8 of U6.  The output of the CO goes to PIN 12 of the USB UART (XTAL IN) U1 CY768013A-56.  The 5V OSC I used seems to be happy on either 5V or 3.3V even though 3.3V is out of spec.


Do at own risk  :D


Hope that helps.





And you can make a photo of this fix? It would be useful to much. I from other country, translators work very badly. And having shown the scheme with photos to the master - there is a hope for productive repair. P.S. Excuse for my English

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  • 9 months later...

Hello guys,


FYI, I added a cheap (< 20$) USB card (VIA chipset) in my computer and use it only for the X3 Live. It seems to have solved the problem. No dropout for 3 hours now. Finger crossed ... ;-)

I'll get back to you if I still have trouble.





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Hi again,


As you can guess, the problem is still there :'(

I'm a bit skilled in electronics but before I do the hardware change, I'd like to ask you something ...

How comes that resetting the POD doesn't solve anything, I need to reboot Windows to get it working fine again.

Plus, a very strange thing happened : the USB dropout happened (no more playback from any software) but I was still able to record sound from the POD through USB with Window's Sound Recorder. I listened to the recorded file after rebooting and it's just fine.

Strange, huh ?


Please help me guys :'(

Thank you.



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