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Changing amps with Snapshots


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Hey! I'm new here. Total newb. Got my hx stomp in the mail today. Ive been messing with it and searching YouTube and no luck with my question. Is there any way to change the amp and cab type from one snapshot to another? Or does it only toggle blocks and parameters on&off or up&down? 

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2 amps require 2 blocks. You assign the same switch to both (if you want to toggle within a Snapshot), then save the Preset with one ON and one OFF. That's Snapshot 1. Then change to Snapshot 2, turn the one that's ON off and the one that's OFF on. If Snapshot Edits (in Global Settings) is set to DISCARD, SAVE the Preset BEFORE switching to a different Snapshot, if it's set to RECALL you can make all your Snapshot edits and THEN save the Preset. Save the final Preset on whichever Snapshot you want on when you load the Preset.


If you use 2 Amp+Cab blocks, that's two blocks. However, it's pretty DSP intensive, and you may be very limited as to what else will fit in the Preset.


If you use an Impulse Response (IR) Block with Amp only Blocks (no Helix Cab), you can select a different IR for each Snapshot. That's 3 Blocks (Amp+Amp+IR) and, depending on the amps chosen, might be about all the DSP your poor Stomp has. Again, very DSP intensive, and you need to use IRs to do it, you can't use the Helix Cabs, as Helix Cabs require a separate Block for each.


Your best bet is to find an amp that has a nice clean and a nice distortion, then use Snapshots to set the Gain and Tone Stack accordingly for the range of sounds you need. Basically, like using a real amp, but with the quick changes allowed by Snapshots. Then you can use OD/Distortion blocks for different colors/types of distortion or fuzz.


You'll be amazed at the variety of sounds you can get out of a single amp this way, and still have DSP available for Reverb, Delay, Mods, etc..




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12 hours ago, headcase915 said:

Is there any way to change the amp and cab type from one snapshot to another? Or does it only toggle blocks and parameters on&off or up&down? 


Your answer has already been provided... I'm just giving you another way to put it in perspective...


Presets load your layout....

Snapshots manipulate your layout, but cannot change it.

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