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Play banjo with Helix


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Hello  every body

I dont know if somebody will be interested by this experiment

I learn how to generarate my own IR to record myself with same sound as I was using my Amp and CAB. but it gave me a strange idea...

May I try to reproduce a Banjo sound this way. And I try...

concept :

Inject a test tone fiel in an old (and uggly) banjo guitar, using sound exciters : see picture 1 (exciters) ans picture 2 (banjo guitar with the exciters on top, fixed by adhesiv, one on strings behind the sillet, tne second on the wood. I used 2 in serie to get 8 Ohms impedencie to protect the amp.

Record the Banjo response with the mic in picture 2, and build an IR with Voxengo software (demo version).

then I drop the IR into the helix, put some gain  ( level of the IR is low), use a compressor , a simple pitch to add an harmony (+12 interval mix 30%) and a few plate reverb)

and then record directly these few notes into the DAW through USB... and that's the result with a Parker PdF30  modified, bridge Mic Seth lover splited ! not perfect, but fun experiment !

If you'r interested I can post the IR and the tone... but try this with any other instrument, resonator...or anything else...


1021841246_PICTURE2.jpg.e5e030e10c562fa6c1aade04f7e253fc.jpgBanjo tentative.mp3

Banjo tentative.mp3



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1 hour ago, DunedinDragon said:

Wow...that's a lot of work.  My approach was to buy a GoldTone Banjo.  But to each their own.....

Yep, I also own a real banjo and two Variax guitars with the banjo model. Suppose it’s something to do during lockdown.

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On 5/8/2020 at 5:27 AM, fcnedelec said:

a simple pitch to add an harmony (+12 interval mix 30%)


When I listen to your sample... ^^^ this ^^^ is jumping out as very unnatural... I'm curious why you thought it should be added when the banjo doesn't have any octave strings. 


On to the rest..... IMO, getting an IR to make a guitar sound like a Banjo is difficult - impossible. I have not heard one I like yet!

Like the others above... I own an Epiphone 5 string Banjo and a Variax to cover my banjo needs. 



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