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Helix Native without latency workflow

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There’s a particular type of workflow i wish i could have while recording a guitar. 

I’m using a DAW for music production. Usually when i’m composing i tend use many plugins where each plugin introduces some latency. Obviously the latencies add up the more plugins i’m using. I’d like to be able to record a guitar with almost zero latency while tracking and be able to audition the presets and see what sound fits the track i’m working on on the spot. Of course It’s pretty much impossible to do this using Helix Native in my DAW with a huge latency in my project. Would getting a Line 6 help me achive this workflow at all? So that i could use it, pick a preset from Line 6, hear it with no latency while playing along to the track in my DAW then record a dry signal into my DAW and afterwards i could process that dry signal with exactly the same preset in Helix Native in my DAW? Does that make any sense at all and is anyone doing it this way? 

I am very eager to find a way of making this type of workflow possible because i’m bit tired of having to freeze my tracks and turning off the plugins all the time. 

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You would need to have one of the Line 6 Helix family hardware devices. There are several to choose from and all of them allow you to transfer presets between Helix Native and the Helix device.


I use the workflow you describe all the time with my Helix Rack. I will often record both a dry and wet signal (using a Helix preset) simultaneously, import the preset from my Helix Rack into Helix Native via HX Edit, and then tweak (or completely replace) the preset in Helix Native as the project progresses. I rarely end up using the initial wet recording but there’s really no extra effort to record both wet and dry simultaneously so I tend to do it. When the project is finished I import the Helix Native preset back into the Helix Rack and am able to take the recording’s studio tone to the stage.

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Thanks! Glad to hear this. Would getting a HX Stomp be enough to do this right? Because i would only need it in the studio as i’m mainly a music producer so don’t really need that many features. And how do you transfer a preset from a hardware Helix into a Helix Native? 

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Yes, an HX Stomp is fine. Preset transfer is done using HX Edit, the HX editor/librarian program that runs on your computer while connected via usb to your HX device. You can import/export files to/from both HX Edit (and hence your HX device) and Helix Native to files on your computer. You can download the manuals for both HX Edit and Helix Native to investigate all this in advance if you wish.

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Depends on your Native presets. To make them compatible with the HX Stomp, you should set Native to work in HX Stomp compatibility, otherwise you don't know if HX Stomp will have enough power (DSP) and room (Paths) to execute the same preset.

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  • 2 months later...


I don't use hardware but i use line 6 rtas plugins in protools at 64 samples buffer with a little latency ( maybe 3 millisecond)

i use lines 6 plugins in realtime and i record it in another software : mutools.

so i use protools hd for the plugins.

and mutools for audio and midi recording.

i also use protools rtas instrument controled by mutools midi send.

here the demos of my system :

here an audio demo video made with cubase / protools hd tdm / line 6 rtas amp farm 2 on guitar bass and xln audio addictive drum rtas / guitar rig 5 preamps on voice , eventide vsttrans for reverbs.

i use all the plugins in tracking , in realtime record it in mutools and compensate the latency in mutools.

i do this because protools cannot do it well alone (midi audio timing phase not stable)

if you want use plugins without protools you can...

just use a computer with the plugins at 64 samples and another software record in asio direct monitoring the plugins play of the first computer.

in my case a do all in the same computer with two audio hardware ( protools tdm pci and a pulsar 2 creamware pci with mutools)

thanks .

best regards


plastic man :



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