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Technical Question

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Believe it or not, the official word might want to brace just doesn't. Welcome to the mild to moderately irritated chorus of users who think this is ridiculous. Stay tuned for a firmware fix anytime between tomorrow morning and never...

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It will be resolved in the next release.  Cruisinon gave you the release schedule of said update.   There are several heated discussions in regard to this issue/bug/feature/regression/progression/failure/limitation/lack of feature/well-documented/not-documented "thing"


It works swimmingly well with the dilapidated Workbench 1.x.... but no worky with WB HD 2.x.  Their programmers apparently forgot how to code that between releases...

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Wow, what an epic fail that is for the user base.


This of course points to one thing for me... There is only so much information you can shove through the digital pipes and perhaps the upgrade to FW2.0 necessitated the separation of the audio and the digital information stream . With a straight VDI connection, both travel digitally (I think) and communicate with the HD500 with guitar info plus sound info. By using the dongle, those are separated and that frees up all all 480kbs/sec to carry modelling info.


Or I could be totally full of lollipope....


Either way, not going to hold my breath waiting for a fix.

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My educated guess is that it's just a lack of resources to assign to the task.  Since it doesn't generate revenue like a new product does it is not going to get top priority.



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