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Listing of Helix Floor 3.6 Factory Presets


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Sorry if this has been requested before, but I can't find it.

I'm looking for a table or listing of 3.6 Factory Presets - one that I can print and tape to my wall for reference.

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That's probably because very few people ever mess with factory presets.  They prefer to just build their own by examining the factory presets and learning how to do things.  Not to mention these presets change with pretty much every Helix firmware release and no one's willing to keep up with that.

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There’s no such listing, probably for the reasons above. If you’d like to create such a list, I’m sure some others would appreciate it. Please post it here (and then either update it with every new firmware release or be prepared to respond to requests to do so).

I’m curious. What level of detail would you find adequate? Just the preset name? The amp/cab selection(s)? All FX blocks used? Controller assignments? As you can imagine, this could get out of hand pretty quickly. 

There is a thread floating around here called “Let’s put the real names to the presets” where users associate factory preset names to actual artist songs.


There are also a number of web-based preset viewers such as this:

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On 7/8/2023 at 2:00 PM, cush4x said:

Sorry if this has been requested before, but I can't find it.

I'm looking for a table or listing of 3.6 Factory Presets - one that I can print and tape to my wall for reference.



Simply load up HX Edit, select the Factory 1 setlist and make a screenshot of it, rinse and repeat for the rest of the setlist stuff. Print it out and stick on your wall - done.


As to what purpose this would serve, I have no idea, because most of the names given to the Factory presets are totally arbitrary, or complete nonsense, which is what started the whole “Let’s put the real names to the presets“ thread - yet another exercise in futility.


Sometime forum contributor “Malhavok” (Ben Vesco) used to keep an archive of what presets had changed in various revisions of the Firmware. IIRC, this continued until somewhere around v.2.80 and I think he may have given up on it now. Anyhow here’s a link to his info - scroll down to the bottom of the page:


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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