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MS Paint Signal Chain Diagram - what am I doing wrong?


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1. People in my house are messing with my cables. Or I am loosing my mind.
2. Watched some Youtube videos and have confused myself and made the diagram linked below.

3. Main objective is keep things very simple, keep the signal chain sequence and experiment using this with bass also. 

Personal OneDrive public link. (Tried to insert image from URL but it did not work)!AocTppDNAtInuR4SVpDIE-zVN_kO?e=F8Izkk

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There might be a better way to do this depending upon what FX you're using in the LT, and I don't really see the need for the Flashback, but the wiring looks ok assuming that the Global settings for the Inputs/Sends are correct re the Markbass.


So, what's the problem?

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The problem WAS that one day I had a reasonable tone. The next I am questioning the 9volt batteries in the pickups (pedals are wired). People messing with the cables etc... due to your encouragement I tried removing the flashback. Things were back to normal! Then that made me realize - the looper switch was flicked... which I never use and would have thought of. 

Thank you for weighing in. Many thanks!

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