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How to check DSP load?


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I see many people talking about DSP load on the Helix. Some modules use more DSP, others less.

I own a Helix Rack. After creating a new preset with some different modules, how can I check/see the DSP load? Is this even possible on the Rack, or does this only affect Helix Native?


Thanks in advance!

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The device itself doesn’t tell you that; it only shows you that you’re reaching the limit by greying out blocks that can no longer be added to the preset.


But you can perform manual calculations by using one of the several tables that users have created that shows the DSP requirements for individual blocks. Here’s what I believe is the original and most popular one;

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On 12/4/2023 at 8:47 AM, astueger said:

After creating a new preset with some different modules, how can I check/see the DSP load?


You can't... you'll know you're at or near the DSP limit when almost any additional amp or effect you try to add becomes "grey-ed out" and unselectable. Keeping a running tally wouldn't really help you much anyway... having some counter tell you there's "17% DSP remaining" isn't gonna prevent you from hitting the wall. There's either enough room for everything you want to shove in there, or there isn't. Doesn't much matter how you find out...

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The best way I've found is just create your patch and when you reach a point where things are being grayed out because there's not enough DSP, then check out the BenVesco DSP document to see what you can take out and what you might be able to replace it with that uses less DSP.

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