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HX One Feedbacker controlled via midi and momentary


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Hi there,


I'm using an RJM PBC6X to control the HX One. What I'm trying to do is set a button on the PBC to be a momentary switch to engage the Feedbacker effect of the HX One. Right now, I have the midi messages set so the button does momentarily switch the feedbacker (PC5), but the ON switch on the HX One is always off. I have tried sending midi CC1 and CC4 to be on but no matter what the pedal stays off.


Does anyone know what I'm missing here? When I recall the preset using the HX Librarian, the feedbacker effect is always off by default. Is there any way to engage it to be on via midi?



Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 8.23.28 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 8.25.17 PM.png

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I did try that too and unfortunately it didn't work. I did both CC1 and CC4 and it still just stays off. I had a feeling it was off by default. It switches to the Feedbacker preset momentarily, but the on button on the HX stays off. So frustrating.


What do you mean by changing presets with MIDI?

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On 3/14/2024 at 12:49 PM, Tahopton87 said:

What do you mean by changing presets with MIDI?

I mean changing presets with MIDI as in: sending MIDI-PC (program change) messages to go to a different preset.

That is an easy test to see if it reacts to MIDI messages at all and excludes errors like defective cable, wrongly connected, wrong MIDI channel etc.

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Ah, yes. The MIDI info is being exchanged correctly. When I press the button down, it does switch to the Feedbacker preset correctly (PC5), and when I let go, it goes back to the previous preset it was on. The issue is the Feedbacker effect is not engaged. It's the dimly lit switch and I have to manually press it on.

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Ahhhh. I tried that too and it still doesn't turn the effect on. I updated the firmware to 3.71 too. Something is happening with the Feedbacker effect being set to off as default. I just did a test for PC6, which is a Wah preset and when it switches to the effect, it's on. So this leads me to believe there's something weird with the Feedbacker effect being forced to OFF by default. It's just frustrating that CC0, CC1, or CC4 (all meant to turn ON) don't actually override. it.

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On 3/14/2024 at 6:07 PM, Tahopton87 said:

Ahhhh. I tried that too and it still doesn't turn the effect on. I updated the firmware to 3.71 too. Something is happening with the Feedbacker effect being set to off as default. I just did a test for PC6, which is a Wah preset and when it switches to the effect, it's on. So this leads me to believe there's something weird with the Feedbacker effect being forced to OFF by default. It's just frustrating that CC0, CC1, or CC4 (all meant to turn ON) don't actually override. it.

I wouldn't conclude things that fast.

Do the MIDI monitoring (see prev post) and come back with results.

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On 3/14/2024 at 5:07 PM, Tahopton87 said:

Ahhhh. I tried that too and it still doesn't turn the effect on. I updated the firmware to 3.71 too. Something is happening with the Feedbacker effect being set to off as default. I just did a test for PC6, which is a Wah preset and when it switches to the effect, it's on. So this leads me to believe there's something weird with the Feedbacker effect being forced to OFF by default. It's just frustrating that CC0, CC1, or CC4 (all meant to turn ON) don't actually override. it.



It might be worthwhile having a read of the Helix Floor v.3 Owner’s Manual - page 56 - Re: CC Toggle commands for the 2 states (Dim or Lit) 3.0 Owner's Manual - English .pdf

Hope this helps/makes sense.

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On 3/14/2024 at 7:21 PM, datacommando said:



It might be worthwhile having a read of the Helix Floor v.3 Owner’s Manual - page 56 - Re: CC Toggle commands for the 2 states (Dim or Lit) 3.0 Owner's Manual - English .pdf

Hope this helps/makes sense.

Not sure how a Helix manual talking about Command Center's sending toggle CC commands should help the issue.


It's about the HX One not reacting to MIDI CC.


We are in the stage where we verify with a MIDI monitor that the RJM actually sends the correct MIDI data..

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Thank you for the MIDIView suggestion! This looks very useful for knowing what's getting sent/received.


So here's what happens when I press the momentary button I've created. PC5 is the Feedbacker, PC61 is a Dimension-C effect.

As soon as I let go of the momentary, I have it set to go to the previous preset, which is the PC61.

So here's what happens when I press the momentary button I've created. PC5 is the Feedbacker, PC61 is a Dimension-C effect.

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On 3/14/2024 at 8:17 PM, Tahopton87 said:

Thank you for the MIDIView suggestion! This looks very useful for knowing what's getting sent/received.


So here's what happens when I press the momentary button I've created. PC5 is the Feedbacker, PC61 is a Dimension-C effect.

As soon as I let go of the momentary, I have it set to go to the previous preset, which is the PC61.

So here's what happens when I press the momentary button I've created. PC5 is the Feedbacker, PC61 is a Dimension-C effect.

These are MIDI PC messages and we were talking about CC (or alternatively NoteOn) messages.


You don't need to send Bank Select messages btw. HX One only has one bank and ignores them anyways.

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The bank select messages are automatically sent from the PBC I believe because this button is in Bank 1. In order to switch to the Feedbacker preset, I have to send the PC5 message. But here's another screenshot of what it looks like when I add the CC messages for bypass state.


Here's a link to a video too where you can see the yellow light is off and not on. I've tested this button by switching it to the next preset up (PC6 instead of PC5), and the light stays on. That's why I feel like it has to do with the Feedbacker effect.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 3.31.02 PM.png

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The feedbacker is made like this for a reason. It is supposed to feedback when you trigger it - not at preset load. But you can save the preset with the engaged feedbacker if you want to.


The MIDI messages are correct. BUT the timing is suspicious: the CC messages are send one millisecond after the PC messages. The HX One is probably busy loading the preset in that moment and ignores / discards the CC message.


So there are your two solutions: save the preset with the feedbacker engaged or add a small delay between the PC and the CC messages.

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On 3/14/2024 at 9:04 PM, Tahopton87 said:

I tried saving it with it's bypass state being on but it didn't change anything when loading the preset.

I don't have the HX One so I can't verify that. On my HX Stomp it can be saved engaged and does immediately feedback.


You can contact support and ask whether saving it engaged is possible.

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