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Distortion at any volume with headphone and DAW


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bought 2 days ago a HX Stomp XL. It's very amazing but I don't understand why using the headphone every patch sounds very very bad. It's seems that everything is distorted but not in the "right" way. You cannot identify the single notes... basically, cannot be listened! :)

The same think happens if try to record with a DAW so the issue could not be the headphone.


I think that it needs to be configured in some way to avoid that, any suggestions?




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What type of guitar are you using? If the pickups seem too hot try turning on the Input Pad. 

Then try starting with a simple preset using a ‘clean’ amp, say one of the Fender models. Start with a New Preset and add only the amp and cab (no other FX blocks). See if you can create a tone that you can listen to. If you can do that then the issue is gain staging as you begin to use more complex presets containing hi-gain amps and distorion.


If you are not able to create a clean tone that you can tolerate (even if you don’t like it) report back here with details of your efforts.

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Hi guys!



I'm able to create a clean tone. The issue is mostly as soon you add a simple overdrive (ie 808).

It should be possibile to record a track with the DAW and with a good sound, right?

What is the input pad? I'm using a strato with single coil.


About the headphone, I'm using Audio-Technica ATH M50.



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I listened thru my AKG K240 (55ohm) phones, using my Strat into HXS into Reaper.

It sounds exactly as I'd expect it to, even with BOTH the Fuzz AND Screamer on!

No unusual distortion, <> -15db into Reaper (perfect).


Your M50 phones are 38ohms, which should be just fine.


It could be that your HP Out is defective? Try contacting support.



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I also tried it with a dual HB Ibanez with a JB in the bridge. That's one of the hottest passive HB'rs out there.

I do not think that the problem is your PUPs, though I suppose there could be something wonky in the wiring of that guitar.

Does that guitar use a battery? If yes, maybe that's the problem?

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On 3/18/2024 at 6:59 AM, gianlucanostro said:

The PAD setting there isn't in the HX Stomp.. I'm wrong? I read somewhere that I need to use the line input, correct?

How I can do it?

The Input block has a parameter called Gtr Pad. Set it to ON.

Or set Gtr Pad to Global  and Global Settings -> Ins/Outs -> Input Level to Line.

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