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Drivers Will Not Download


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I am hoping someone here can help me.


I have a TonePort UX2 and a TonePort DI-Gold.  I had been running a PC with Windows XP, and everything was great.  Then, the computer died, and I got a new PC running Windows 7.  I have tried re-installing my UX2 and my DI-Gold.  I have downloaded the most recent drivers, and tried to install them.  I keep getting a "Drivers Did Not Install Successfully" message.  The UX2 flashes red lights, and the DI-G light just stays red.  I have run the Monkey, and it says my drivers are not installed, and that no device is connected (when it really is).  I have tried every USB port I have, with the same results.  Also, when I run the Monkey, under firmware, there is a question mark (to the left of "firmware"), and a dash ("-") under "installed."  I have talked to customer support, but they cannot see why the drivers will not install.


Any ideas???


Thank You!




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Tried signature - followed directions, restarted computer, tried to download drivers, same result - "software drivers do not install correctly."  Ran Monkey, same results.  Why is there a question mark next to "firmware" on Monkey, and a dash under installed?  How can I take a screenshot of Monkey to post here?

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the ? means it can't read what version the firmware is... the dash appears in place of the version number...

all happens because the driver is not installed (which we knew...)

the driver signing thing was a longshot, but one that could have easily been missed.


have you tried unplugging both devices and run the standalone driver package from here: with nothing plugged in?

try with 1 device if that doesn't work (in a different usb port than it was originally...)

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Yes, I downloaded the latest version (, and have been trying to install it.  I do not plug-in either device until the installer prompts me to.  I have tried it in all of my USB ports.  I get a message that the software is installing, then the message that the drivers were not installed correctly.

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On a normal install of Windows the main user will be administrator by default.


Also disabling any anti-virus security programs.


Just for clarification, you are not connecting both devices at the same time during the driver installation?


Another thing, before attempting another instal, make sure you go to:




After that, another thing to try is right click the Line6 Driver Installer.exe, go to properties, the compatibility tab, check the box to run as XP sp3.

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Triryche - No, not connecting both.  Have uninstalled, and rebooted.  Changed the compatibility to XP, same result.  Turned off Virus program.


There are no other files I need, besides the drivers, correct?  I am installing into the default folder (C/Program Files/Line6).  What am I doing wrong???


I see the .dll and .sys files in my Driver Archive File, so I know they are there.  When the New Hardware option comes up, it just says Software Driver Cannot Be Installed Correctly.


I have GearBox already installed - is that affecting it?

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Hmmmm - well if you haven't set it on fire yet :)


When you do plug the DI Gold in - what is the status in the Device Manager? The big yellow "?" ? Sometimes you can go and select the "update driver" route and see if its detected or try and manually associate the driver with it.


I wonder too if its a matter of windows not wanting to give up its own soundcard.


Note: I don't have a Win7 but I spent last weekend doing a XP format/reinstall and had to do the choose driver route a few times.



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Try uninstalling Gearbox and using POD Farm 1.12 (it replaces Gearbox).

But that fact that Monkey does not even see it I do not think that will help.


If you do set it on fire, place on ground where there are no guitar, amps, children or flammable objects near by, light fuse and get away!!


Is there a friends PC you can try it on to eliminate the DI and UX being the problem?


Also, per Zap's suggestion, have you tried older drivers?


In the meantime you might want to fill out your support profile and open a ticket.

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I will see what the DI-Gold does this evening.


And, nah, wouldn't want to set them on fire - I have used them for many years, very successfully.


I have tried older drivers - same result.  Will try uninstall of GearBox.  Have already spoken to Line 6 and have a support ticket.  They don't know what the problem is.


Also, regarding soundcards, I have standard Windows card, and ASIO4All as cards - think that has something to do with it???

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its a last resort because it's not really ASIO drivers.. they are FAKE ASIO drivers...

meaning that they are a good option for your standard card that does not have real ASIO drivers...

but it is a bad option for a soundcard or device that has actual ASIO drivers.


real ASIO has hardware dedicated as part of the soundcard....

fake ASIO (AKA ASIO4ALL) uses software as a means of pretending it has actual hardware....


I will uninstall later today.  Why is it a last resort?  I only installed it because my DAW wasn't working with my standard soundcard - kept saying there were no drivers.

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HP Compaq, Intel Duo Core, 3.07 GHz, 4.0 GB RAM, 32-Bit, Windows 7 Professional - not top-of-the-line, but all I need, although I may increase the RAM.  Thought we had something with the ASIO4ALL - maybe an ASIO conflict or something.  Use Direct Sound for general MIDI recording, but need my Line 6 devices for guitar, bass, and vocals!

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Make sure you have all anti-virus and firewall software disabled, there is a firewall-type thing in W7 tha tmay be blocking you.  After uninstall did you go into your files and delete the Line6 folder?  If not, do so - there are files left in place that may be screwing htings up.

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  • 2 months later...

OK, for a variety of reasons (mostly frustration), I put this on the back burner.  Now, I really need to start recording again, so I am going to try this again.


One consideration I did not previously mention - when I bought my new computer (PC, Windows 7), I had the C drive from the old computer installed into the new computer (it is now the F drive).  Since the UX-2 worked on my old computer, is there a conflict between my drives?  Is there a way I can install the UX-2 to my F drive??


Thank You!



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