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  1. Now my G10 is flashing red when on the base and does not want to charge any more! Is there a procedure to downgrade to the previous version of the firmware?
  2. Hi, Since yesterday my G10 has not wanted to charge. I plug it to the base and it blinks red while the base remains white. How come? I have the latest update.
  3. I experienced a bug with my Helix at my latest gig Friday night - My foot switches are all in snapshot mode and when I changed from one preset to another the switches kept the snapshot names of the previous preset, although the name of the preset changed to the new one on the screen.
  4. This morning I tried again and Updater could download 2 updates (1.03 and 1.04) for the receiver that were successfully applied. There was nothing for the transmitter though. I will see if that solves my problem.
  5. Hi, Using the latest Updater software I get a failure status if I want to update my G10. My G10 (transmiter + receiver) is connected to my Windows 7 PC, I download the firmware update (G10Tx_1_4.wuf) and loads it into Updater but it does not work. How come? Thank you. Cheers
  6. I have this problem with my Friedman Runt - Hum when I use the Helix Ext Amp ouput (other than that 4CM is working normally). If I understand well the Helix Ext Amp output Is TRS and the Channel switching input on the Friedman is TS since the cable Friedman provided to that effect is TS on both sides. Please note the Friedman Runt is a 2 channel amp. What's the connection logic technically between the tip, the ring and the sleeve? I need to understand this to know what to do. Thank you.
  7. Hi, I have various presets for various songs I play live and in each song I have different snapshots. My Helix is setup for 8 snapshots. I am not sure I understand how to quickly change presets live and immediately have the various snapshots ready under my foot. What's the quickest way? Thank you. Cheers
  8. Hi, I plan to download it for Helix but is it compatible? Thank you. Cheers
  9. Ok thank you. So the tuner would not work with my setting.
  10. Hi, I plan to plug my acoustic guitar to the Return of one loop of the Helix LT and send the Sends of the 2 loops in stereo to the mixing desk. Problem - Apparently the tuner does not work with this setup. Can you please confirm? Thank you. Cheers
  11. Hi, I see a Preset or Pedal screen in all videos that can be used to replace the scribble strips of the "big" Helix. But is there a snapshot screen on the LT I can use in the same way? Thank you. Cheers
  12. Thank you to all the posters.
  13. Thank you. I think I might shave the rubber. I press very heavily but nothing happens. Should I hear some sort of clicking noise?
  14. Why do you say "should"? Thank you.
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