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    Music & Video Production, Audio Engineering, Live Performance, Gaming.
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  1. Does anyone know of a successful way to route the USB Channels to Helix's sends for backtrack use? From ableton I'm trying to send click out 1, bass out 2, guitars/production out 3/4, and BG vocals out 5/6. I can't seem to get any of the routing to happen without manually creating a path on the second open chain in each patch. This only results in two active outputs. Is it not possible to make this happen?
  2. Thank you for the response! Sounds simple enough. Going to give it a try today. My end goal is to be able to treat it similar to writing out DMXIS lighting automation, consolidating all lanes to a MIDI clip, and loading that clip into the same scene as the rest of my clips that make up the song, all consolidated to the same start and end points. This will be possible with the information you have provided correct?
  3. Hello all, This is my first post in the community, and I'm wondering where I can learn how to automate my Helix Rack to properly and effectively change presets as well as manipulate the values of individual chain loaded effects. Here is what I'm looking to accomplish with Helix (for live use) and as of right now I know nothing of where to start: I'm running my show with Ableton live 9 lite. I want to use MIDI tracks (envelope automation) in Ableton to change my patches throughout the songs and set, as well as automate the toggling the on/off of stompboxes and delay/reverb swells & ramp-ups of the mix percentage within each patch. All I know is that I need to assign the parameters in which I want to control to the open MIDI CC channels in Helix, but I do not know how to technically achieve this the most effective and proper way. Any input or direction to reading materials on this subject is greatly appreciated. Like i said, I know nothing about this process. Thanks! Nino Lucarelli
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