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Everything posted by loonsailor

  1. It definitely works with HXFX. I use it regularly.
  2. I just got an email from Line6 about Helix Native being 50% off till December 9. Although I already own it, just thought I'd post this to spread a little HN love. Live, I play through a HX effects pretty much always. But, I also do a fair amount of recording, often adding tracks to a mix that somebody sends me. I've settled on doing that by recording dry, with my guitar plugged straight into my Focusrite Clarett interface, then processing in my DAW with Helix Native. I can use my same presets, imported from my hardware unit, but it gives me the option to play with them, using all my familiar Helix. In fact, it's somewhat better than a hardware Helix, because I've got essentially unlimited processing power! Then, I send the processed track off to the producer. Sometimes, I even ask to get a semifinal mix back so that I can further tweak my tone in the actual mix. HN makes this easy and fun. To me, this is a way better workflow than needing to get the tone right going into the computer, then being stuck with that tone for the duration. At 50% off, HN is $50 for any registered Helix owner. To me, that's a screaming great deal. So, I just though I'd say so here on the forum.
  3. I recently got a guitar with a dual pickup system, magnetic and piezo. When using a TS cord it blends the pickups, but with a TRS it separates them, sending mag pickups on the tip, piezo on the sleeve. This is the first time I even noticed that my g10ii is TRS. Why? Is there a way to get the separate signals? If desired, can I un-TRS it with something like a solder bridge, or will that break it? I mostly use it into my Yamaha thr10ii, which has a built-in receiver, and right now I can’t get the piezo pickup to output.
  4. Two things. First, you don’t need to assign a FS to turn wah on/off. You can assign that to the expression pedal itself. I’m not talking about a toe switch in the pedal, but rather you can assign it so when the pedal value is zero (pedal all the way towards heel) the wah effect is off, and goes on as soon as you use it. If you do that, you don’t need the dual-use FS you describe. Just make a FS for the flanger, then use your wah pedal and it will do what you want.. Second, if you really want a FS for the wah, you can do what you describe with a snapshot, and you can assign the snapshot to a FS that you can access in stomp mode.
  5. Funny story. Turns out not to be a bug. I submitted this issue as a support ticket and in response Pete in Line6 customer support pointed out that the problem is that global setting MENU > Global Settings > Switches > "Stomp Select" was set to "both". What that means is that when I pressed the FS, it went into setting mode, and the scribble strip reflected that. Changing the global setting to "touch" solved the problem. Now, to make a change in the FS setting I'd need to touch, rather than press that (or any other) FS, but that's fine with me. Thanks, Line6 support (and Pete) for a prompt, helpful response!
  6. I submitted a ticket an hour ago, as well as posting in the Bugs stream of this forum last night.
  7. I had read the manual, but just looked at it again. Here, on p47, are the relevant sections: 3 Preset Mode When set to “Moment[ary],” the HX Effects device returns to Stomp mode as soon as a Preset (or Snapshot) switch is pressed. When set to “Latch[ing],” the HX Effects device stays in Preset (or Snapshot) mode and the user must press MODE to switch back to Stomp mode. 2 1 Snpsht Mode When set to “Moment[ary],” the HX Effects device returns to Preset mode (or Stomp mode if Pg 1 > Knob 3 [Preset Mode] is set to “Moment[ary]”) after select- ing a snapshot. When set to “Latch[ing],” the HX Effects unit stays in Snapshot mode until pressing + to return to Preset mode (or MODE/EDIT/EXIT to return to Stomp mode). The section on snapshot mode says that, when set to Latch, it behaves exactly as I want, with no reference how preset mode is set. However, the section on preset mode says that when it is in Momentary the HXFX "returns to Stomp mode as soon as a Preset (or Snapshot) switch is pressed". I hadn't seen that parenthetical that I've highlighted. And, therein lies my issue. Why does the preset mode "override" the snapshot mode in this case. I see now that it is behaving as documented, but it doesn't seem to me to be the right behavior. BTW, I do appreciate, a lot, that Line6 provides this excellent manual. I know it's difficult and expensive and few companies are still doing it. Thanks, Line6!
  8. That Roland looks like a beast. 96 lb!
  9. Thanks, rd2rk. When I first import and load the preset, FS1 has the label Dirt. But, when I press it the strip switches to "snapshot". Repeated presses toggle between the two snapshots, but the scribble strip always just says Snapshot. However, the FS LED does change color. I set different colors on my own preset's snapshots, and it also changes color. Seems like a bug. I've had my unit since they first came out, but this is the first time I've needed snapshots, so I don't know if it worked properly on a previous version.
  10. I'm trying to use snapshots on my HX Effects box for the first time, and the latching is confusing me. I'd like to put it in a mode where I've got the four snapshots always visible on the switches, so I set the global parameter switches/snapshot mode to "latch". But, when I select a snapshot it still always goes back to stomp box mode, showing me all the effects. If I then push "mode", it goes back to showing me the four snapshots. When I set it to "momentary", it works the same, ,except now when I push "mode" it goes back to preset selection. I have preset selection set to momentary, and I'd like to keep it that way. If I set preset selection to latch, then go to snapshot mode, it works the way I want, always keeping the four snapshots on the four buttons. But now, preset selection becomes more difficult. Is there any I can leave presets in momentary mode, and have snapshots in true latch mode, where it doesn't keep going back to stomp? Why is the snapshot behavior dependent upon the preset behavior? There are 4 scenarios. (1) preset mode momentary, snapshot mode latch: select a snapshot -> snapshot selected, now in stomp mode (why?) press mode -> back to select a snapshot press bank up & down -> select a preset (2) preset mode latch, snapshot mode latch select a snapshot -> still in snapshot select mode (this is what I want) press mode -> stomp mode press bank up&down (from snapshot select) -> preset select mode (3) preset mode momentary, snapshot mode momentary select a snapshot -> snapshot selected, now in stomp mode press mode -> preset select mode (4) preset mode latch, snapshot mode momentary select a snapshot -> now in preset select mode?? (why???) What I want, is for snapshot select to remain on the switches when snapshot mode is latch, regardless of what the preset mode is. In other words, it should act like it does when preset mode is latch, regardless of what the preset mode is. When the global options are in scenario 1, snapshots should act like they do in scenario 2. In fact, I don't really understand why you'd ever want snapshot mode to be momentary. Isn't the whole idea is that snapshots are useful for live performance? When would you not want them to remain available after selecting one?The behavior in scenario 4 makes no sense to me at all. Am I missing something? Or do I need to decide between having snapshots work the way I want or having presets work the way I want? Again, why is the snapshot behavior dependent upon the preset behavior?
  11. The same thing happens for me (HXFX, 3.71). I have two snapshots created and named. When I enter snapshot mode (bank up+down) they both names show properly. I set up foot switch one using command center like so: snapshot 1 - press/release press = snapshot 2, release = snapshot 2 snapshot 2 - press/release press = snapshot 1, release = snapshot 1 When I press FS 1, it does indeed toggle between the 2 snapshots as intended, but the scribble switch always just says "snapshot". Another weirdness is that it seems to be necessary to make both press and release go to the desired snapshot. I originally set release = none, assuming that meant nothing would happen on release. But instead, when release = none it takes two presses of the FS. First press does nothing, second press toggles as intended. I don't understand that at all. Maybe it's worth mentioning that I set everything up using HX Edit, not on the unit itself. That includes both the command center stuff and the snapshot names. The snapshot names do show correctly on the scribble strips when in preset select mode.
  12. Interesting rundown of two HXFX-centric rigs. "Been on the road for a year and a half, no problems." .
  13. You don’t need to mod the pedal. You just need a different patch cable. My pedals (a Moog and a Valeton) work with a TRS in the Exp-2 plug of my HXFX, but in exp-1 they need a TRS-TS. With either a TS or a TRS I get exactly the same 0-100-0 behavior that you describe. So, in exp-1 I use one of these Y cables. TRS from pedal to Y female jack, then the tip plug of the Y into the HXFX, with the ring plug hanging loose, or cut off. Or, you could cut the ring wire on a TRS cable.
  14. I use acoustic guitar IRs in my HX effects both when plugging my acoustic into it and when I want a semi-acoustic sound from my electric. For that second use case I’ve switched to the acoustic simulator that got added in 3.1 (or 3.0?). I’ve experimented with combining those IRS with the acoustic sim, but so far I prefer the sim alone. Also, I’ve gratefully snarfed up the dobro IRS that codamedia so graciously created and posted. So far I’m still plugging my dobro into its own preamp and bypassing the HXFX with my dobro, but I’m planning on going dobro->HXFX when I can play around with it. btw, coda, where in the signal chain do you put the acoustic IRs- beginning, end or middle? I haven’t figured out the best place yet.
  15. Cool! Do you plug directly into the Helix or use a DI for impedance match? If direct, guitar in or return? are you willing to share the IRs?
  16. If the intent is to plug your dobro straight into the Helix, you need to make sure you can match the impedance of the Fishman pedal as well as the IR. (Eq shouldn’t be a problem.). The Fishman pedal is specifically designed for piezo pickups used in the Beard dobros, which require a very high impedance input. if you have ny success, please let us know! I’ve been plugging my RedBerd into the Fishman pedal, then at times going from that to my HXFX.
  17. I use my HXFX exactly as you describe. For 95% of my playing I’m in one of the 3-5 presets that I’ve created as virtual pedalboards, using the HX in stomp mode and punching effects in and out as needed. I use snapshots very little, because each of those few pedalboards is used for many songs and I wouldn’t know what snapshots to create usefully. So, I’m always is Stomp Mode while playing, and, when necessary, go into Preset Mode between songs just long enough to switch to a new “pedalboard”, then immediately back to stomp mode. It’s very simple and works for me. There are a few songs where I’ve needed to create song-specific presets, but very few and I try to avoid that when I can.
  18. Is the position of the speakers, especially the tweeter, the same for the different speakers relative to your ears? If you’re close to the speakers, even a few inches can make a big difference in the tone, especially the high end. Also, probably goes without saying, but if the speakers have eq or filters built in, make sure they’re both flat.
  19. I play in more than one band. In one of them I play almost all electric, but needed acoustic on an occasional tune. My helix has freed me from needing to bring an acoustic to those gigs, because in the mix (the band has three horns, drums, bass, …) my electric can sound enough like an acoustic that it works fine. Another band I play in is all acoustic - guitar, mando, string bass, and I play banjo and dobro as well as guitar. In that setting it would be nuts to play an electric through a helix. It would feel and sound totally wrong. Even in the electric band, if we go into the studio on one of those songs when I want an acoustic sound, I’m gonna use a real acoustic 100% of the time. different tools. Ya don’t pound a nail with a screwdriver. Except, maybe you do if the screwdriver is all you have because you didn’t feel like carrying a hammer.
  20. With my DAW (Cubase/Mac) I can use multiple interfaces simultaneously, so I could use the mic pre's on my Focusrite Clarett together with my guitar through a Helix. And the output routing is all agnostic as well. At least I think so. As I said, I never do it this way because (1) I have an HXFX which isn't an interface and (2) I record my guitar dry directly into the Clarett and process it with Helix Native in the DAW because I like that better anyway. Besides, 95% of my recording is one track at a time, laying down a lead or rhythm track after receiving a file with a skeleton backing track, so for me it's a non-issue. I haven't used any other DAW's much, so if the DAW only allows one interface at a time and you need more inputs or routing, then you're right. Thanks for pointing that out. But the OP didn't say anything about how he plans to record, and if it's simple enough to record the guitar dry into the focusrite (with helix native) or to use the Helix as the guitar interface, then my advice stands.
  21. I’m not sure why there’s any advantage to helix->interface->computer over simply helix->computer. The usb plug is there on the helix. Why not use it? The helix is an interface. Why plug it into a second interface? Personally, I have an HX Effects, which doesn’t work as an interface. I could plug my HXFX via the 1/4” analog output into the interface, but I find it much more convenient to plug the guitar into the interface directly, and use helix native in my computer. Works great, and gives me the hugely beneficial option of tweaking the guitar tone as the mix comes together. If you’re ok laying out the very reasonable cost of helix native (discounted because you own the helix) that might be your best bet as well.
  22. You’re welcome. Glad to hear it.
  23. You could use an HX Effects instead. It runs on DC power, so no inverter needed. If you’re using a decent amp you don’t really need the amp modeling part of the Helix anyway, or you could follow the HXFX with an amp simulator pedal (even a cheap Mooer or similar should do for busking) that also runs on DC.
  24. That's right, that's why you need the Y adapter, or a special cord. The pedal wants a TRS plug, and the Helix a TS. So, you can use a TRS cord with the R (ring) wire cut, or you can use an unmodified TRS cord from pedal to the Y that I mentioned above, and then just plug the tip wire into the Helix. Either of those options will satisfy both units. A straight, unmodified cord, either TS or TRS, won't work because it will fake out one or the other.
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