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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. To use MIDI for effects loop bypass: 1. No set up is required. From MIDI channel 1 (default) or the channel that was used to send Program Change messages in the section above (if different from MIDI channel 1), simply send a Control Change #85 message with a value of 63 or less to bypass the effects loop or a value of 64 or more to enable the effects loop. The HD sends PC# 000 (1A) to 063 (16D) automatically when you select a preset. Not sure if that has anything to do with your problem, but try setting a preset's Midi (say, 1A) to send a CC#085 with a value of >63. That should enable the fx loop on the amp. Of course, setting that up on EVERY preset in every setlist will be a PITA, but there doesn't seem to be a way to effect that sort of change across the board.
  2. Is there any truth to the rumor that the reason why string life is shorter under Windows 8 ( and presumably will be even shorter under Windows 10 ) is that THE EVIL ONE (Bill Gates) bought controlling interests in all of the world's biggest string manufacturers?
  3. You're asking a lot here. If there's anyone out there (besides me) who knows how to do this they're probably thinking "Dude, RTM!" First - "Dude, RTM!" Second - In GR5, is your audio/midi interface set up properly in the configuration area? You play your guitar, noise comes out, the MIDI configuration tab shows your interface as "ON"? Now what, EXACTLY, do you want to be able to do in GR5? How, EXACTLY, do you envision the POD being used to do what in GR5? Once you can answer those questions CONCISELY, I'll be happy to help you make it happen. GR5 has a very well done and flexible MIDI implementation (I have all the major midi-controllable amp sims), and the POD has a most flexible MIDI implementation for controlling it, but with maximum flexibility comes much complexity in the diversity of options available. I need to know your specific expectations, or this discussion could be endless.
  4. Jumpered FX loop at end of chain, assign a button, turn up return as required.
  5. All I get when I go to that link is PLEASE ROTATE DEVICE TO VIEW PORTRAIT PERSPECTIVE I guess all of you who actually saw this stuff have tablets? I just have this clunky old monitor attached to my clunky old desktop!
  6. Mean person or happy troll?
  7. Not to make assumptions, your 4cm setup is: Guitar -> POD Input POD FX Send -> Amp Input Amp FX Send -> POD FX Return POD 1/4" Mono Output to Amp FX Return Somewhere in the POD signal chain you have an FX Loop Block. Terminology: Your Amp has two CHANNELS, A and B. These are controlled by a footswitch (NOT THE POD). They each have a separate VOLUME control. In Bank X of your POD you have PRESET A and PRESET B. These are Identical, but you want one louder than the other. Unless I've misunderstood your need, just add something like a Compressor or EQ to the end of the signal chain and set it for a higer output than you'd have without it. Then you'd only need the ONE preset! I'm sure there's lots of other ways, that's just what I'd try first. As for the noisegate, it usually goes at the beginning of the signal chain, right after the guitar, but put it anywhere it works for you. Or, as Ratatats suggested use more than one.
  8. OK BarneyBrown, in .zip form, 16x4. If this works, thanks to davidb7170!
  9. I don't remember where this came from, and it's pretty old so the new amps aren't included, but give it a try! Well, apparently I'm "Not permitted to upload this kind of file". It's a .5xs (setlist) file. If anyone knows how I can get this file to the OP, or where it originated, let me know. 16 x 4 Full Amp.5xs
  10. As for preventing the problem in the first place, a bit of Velcro on the UNDERSIDE of the unit, top and bottom, a couple loops around the cable, voila! A custom cable routing system!
  11. Jason - as long as your hard drive is on a 3.0 port, and the POD is on a separate 2.0 port (not a hub port), then there should be no conflicts. However, I doubt that's what is causing your BSOD problem. BSOD's are usually caused by bad memory or misbehaved driver issues. ASIO problems generally cause audio engine crashes in DAWs, and sometimes a DAW will freeze the system, but BSODs are a different matter. Did you try the system reset as suggested in the Tom's Hardware link I sent you? You won't really know what adjustments to make to your system till you identify the true culprit. Another thing to do would be to make sure that your system is optimized for audio. There's several good articles out there on doing that, Steinberg and Cakewalk have good ones that I know of, and you might find something on the KVR Audio site.
  12. Jonas - You didn't give much info about your system. I went looking for info on "Dell XPS 64" and near as I can tell, there's no such animal. Dell XPS means "extreme processing system". What is the exact model? Processor? Laptop or desktop? What, if not ASIO, are you using for audio drivers? Here's a link that might be of help:
  13. I have a Blackstar HT5C - that's the not-metal, no reverb, 1-12" combo. It has 2 channels, clean and overdrive, and a knob that varies the "character" of the OD section beween English (Marshall) and American (Mesa). I run the POD into the Blackstar using the 4 cable method. Pre fx loop I've got a noisegate, tube compressor, tube driver and script phaser. Post fx loop I've got an analog chorus, digital delay and plate reverb. That's the main setup I use. I've got another setup for very strange sounds, and a third for old styles, surf and whatnot. I think it sounds great used like that. With that setup, you've used up all of the available fx blocks, and can put whatever L6 amp you like in the remaining amp block and, by switching off the fx loop, the 1/4" output takes the whole POD signal chain into the amp's power amp section. I think, for my purposes, it takes too much tweaking to get the L6 amps to sound all that much better than the Blackstar. The 9000 downloadable user created tones on Customtone (that's just the ones users of the HD500 and HD500X have made) occasionally yield some nice sounds, and are very helpful for learning from other people's tweaking efforts.
  14. Thanks, as a last resort, that'll work. I'm hoping someone from L6 would be able to track down the translations, not just for me, but for everyone.
  15. Not the new amps, been that way forever. Thanks anyhow.
  16. Many of the presets on customtone have 6 digit numbers in place of amp names. Anybody know what they mean? is there a translation list somewhere?
  17. The way 4cm and the fx loop work is like this. In a physical amp setup, you usually want wah and distortion before the preamp (stompboxes/pedalboard), time based fx like delay and reverb between the preamp and power amp (rack fx). With the pod, you put the guitar into the pod's input, place your wah/compression/distortion fx blocks, follow this with an fx loop block, followed by phaser/delay/reverb blocks. The pod's FX LOOP BLOCK takes the signal out the pod's FX SEND JACK to the amp's input. The signal passes through the amp's preamp section, then out the amp's FX LOOP SEND to the pod's FX RETURN JACK and FX LOOP BLOCK. The signal then passes through the phaser/delay/reverb blocks to the pod's OUTPUT JACK, which takes it to the amp's FX RETURN, from which it enters the power amp and on to the speaker. In other words, all the pod's fx blocks which come before the FX LOOP BLOCK are before the amp (your physical pedalboard/stompbox equivalent), the amp's preamp is in the pod's fx loop, and everything after the FX LOOP BLOCK is in the amp's fx loop (your rack fx equivalent). GUITAR-->POD INPUT-->WAH/COMP/DIST BLOCKS-->FX LOOP BLOCK-->POD FX LOOP SEND-->AMP INPUT/PREAMP SECTION-->AMP FX LOOP SEND-->POD FX LOOP RETURN-->-->FX LOOP BLOCK-->PHASE/DELAY/REVERB BLOCKS-->POD OUTPUT-->AMP FX LOOP RETURN-->POWER AMP SECTION-->SPEAKER Without the FX LOOP BLOCK, the signal goes from the pod's input, through whatever fx (including pod amps), and out the pod's output to the amp's power amp section, thus bypassing the amp's preamp section and all the amp's volume and tone controls.
  18. 4cm only works when there's an fx loop in the preset, otherwise you're just running out of the pod into the amp's power amp section, which is why the amp's controls don't work.
  19. rd2rk

    2.6x fixes

    Other than trouble with setlist names, my upgrade to 2.60 with model packs was easy. Now I see 2.61 and 2.62. Is there any major reason for me to install these? Can I just do 2.62 and skip 2.61? Is there someplace where L6 posts Version History details?
  20. Thanks, Realzap. I couldn't get it to work with f2, but figured out that it works the same way as renaming a preset - click pause click again, type name, press enter. When I made this bundle (my first), I'd used a lot of presets from customtone, saving and naming the set lists from the FILE Menu as I went, then bundling them. When I got the new amps I wanted to start fresh, so I tried to figure out how to "Clear" the set lists I didn't want. I wound up writing over all the presets in a set list with "New Tone", saved (from FILE Menu) the set list as BLANK SETLIST, then opened it in each of the set lists I wanted to clear. I saved it with a new bundle name, then loaded the new bundle. The save/bundle process renamed all the cleared set lists Set List 1, Set List 2, etc.(maybe it truncated the BLANK from the name and added a number?), which was OK by me. But when I sent it to the POD, although the presets sent fine, none of the set list names overwrote the names from the upgrade. No idea why that happened, but when I changed the names manually in Edit, they changed on the POD and were saved, no send process required. Anyhow, it's all good now, thanks for your help!
  21. Realzap - sounds like you're taking about renaming a setlist in edit. How do you even do that? Anyway, irrelevant, as I'm loading a bundle with already named setlists.
  22. Updated to 1.4/2.6. Did a system reset. Did a pedal recalibration. Opened edit. Loaded my bundle. Sent it to the 500x. All presets sent, but the set list names won't change. Did it (reset, recal, send bundle) twice, Set list names remain the same. Yes, I know it can be done manually from the unit. PITA! Especially if you've got multiple bundles with different set list names! Anybody know what's happening here and how to fix it?
  23. You can find help with the FCB at the FCB1010 User Group on Yahoo. If you get the UNO chip it's FCB1010_UNO.
  24. Rapco SC100i Isolated Signal Combiner. Out of production (I think) but still show up on ebay from time to time. Here's one for $40.00.
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