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Everything posted by OmegaSlayer

  1. Thanks! Do I just have to press the X on the left of the device?
  2. Hi, I'm selling my PodGo to move to an Helix. How can I unregister the product from my profile to leave the new buyer/user able to registry it with his account?
  3. I generally agree with you but you miss 2 points The first is that the device is sold as a platform that will receive updates The second is that what I lament most is that Line6 kind of disregards the product and, as a follow up, the users No news, no communication, nothing, and it's a bit different respect to their other product lines
  4. I received a PodGo survey in the mail Very interesting and all, but, there wasn't a question that really bothers me as a user: "What kind of expectation do you have for the future of the device?" Because, honestly, lately, I'm feeling like a have a piece of dead hardware with that will receive maybe just a couple of updates before being ignored. There's always some way to squeeze juice from every processor, but Line6 doesn't seem too interested on doing some more research on the PodGo, or, if I'm wrong, they really have bad communication with the userbase. And it's incredible because this device just had 3 years on the market, so it's still new-ish, but, again, my impression is that Line6 doesn't care too much about it. And...just freeing one FX space would do so so much for the users...but we have radio silence, we're contacted to know what we think, and yeah, I wanted to say what I really think
  5. Yeah, you're right, it's a lead guitar tone, snapshot 1 was the rhythm associated with that lead tone, but it's really of no use, so I should always active snaphot 2 after entering the preset
  6. I need to move snapshots. Or better I need to "erase" snapshot 1 and substitute it with currently is snapshot 2. Is there a way that I didn't manage to figure out using PodGo Edit? Thanks
  7. Unfortunately you will have to wait quite a good bit. Going through all my presets is painstakingly long and I must find the actual time to do it
  8. I have mainly brought every patch to the same volume, by ear, not with a DAW (but I think I'll have to resort to that), and every patch is well above +5 db. PodGo knob is between 9 and 11 o'clock and the Headrush is at 2 I think. Honestly I feel like I did everything wrong...will have to take a day and set up everything again with a DAW
  9. I was wondering what you guys think yelds the best results sound wise. Do you prefer to crank the PodGo volume up and turn down the volume of the amp/pa, or do you prefer the opposite, turning PodGo volume up and amp/pa down? Unfortunately I can never crank up the volume high enough to perceive well the difference, but what I hear is enough to say that there's quite the difference and that PodGo volume down kills stuff like reverb and delay much more than turning the pa volume down (I use an Headrush 108).
  10. Geez, more intensive than the Horizon drive...
  11. I've noticed there's some Legacy stuff that is not in the Pod Go...I think the Legendary Drive or Prince Of Tones for example Does anyone know the reason?
  12. 6 months Development limbo? Development hell? Development pregnancy?
  13. Kind of funny that he replies on the gear page but not here
  14. Line6 dealing with v1.40 bugs
  15. It's like someone that should start a diet :D
  16. "And even this week, the update will be released next week"
  17. As the process derives from the ticket I filed here on support, Line6 knows who my tech is I hadn't realized until I went to the lab (which lately changed address and name) but I have known him for 29 years, and I don't want to put him in troubles My unit hasn't been replaced, it had the same scratches and it wasn't restored to default, my presets are all there I repeat myself, 7 minutes clocked, I phoned my girlfriend when I left the lab, then after 7 minutes I got his call to go take the device back That's how I know it has been 7 minutes, from the phone calls tab 7 minutes for me is: unscrew the device > unsolder part > solder back the part > reassemble the device > try the device The problem is not "impedance" as a whole...but part of it And yes, L6 should come forward with the acknowledgment of the problem as it seems so very easyto solve @voxman55 "Line 6 should be upfront with its customers and shouldn't have anything to hide. " "Circuitboard copyrights" was the reply I was given
  18. Techs are under non disclosure agreement I suggest that IF someone gets to know the issue, they keep for themselves because they put at risk the exclusivity service of the techs Capisc'...
  19. Filed a ticket on Sunday Got an OK from Line6 Monday, late afternoon Contacted the local repair service immediately Got a reply this morning (Tuesday) Brought the device in in the afternoon, walked away with the problem solved, 7 minutes later ...wish I could say more...
  20. But what's the supposed warranty length? I think EU is 1 year warranty I purchased my PodGo in February so I'm out of warranty, even if, technically, it's a product fault and not anything damaged
  21. Thanks man, already ordered the ROCKBOARD NATURAL SOUND BUFFER at my local store, even if it costs quite double the price (28 €), as I had bad experiences with Ali. Should arrive Tuesday Hopefully it will make me happier
  22. Thanks Can you please suggest me the cheapest pedal available that has a buffer?
  23. I tried the Ditto Looper between the guitar and the PodGo. No difference whatsoever. I even tried to fiddle with the DL volume but nothing happened.
  24. About this impedance thing I'm not technical enough and not English speaking enough to fully understand the matter I got that the device has a pretty significant signal loss and that it might be prevented with a buffered pedal in the pedal chain 3 questions: - Does the Ditto Looper works as a buffer in this case? (I read it has dynamic buffer, I think a fixed buffer is needed) - Does the pedal need to be cabled between the guitar and the PodGo or does it have to be in the Send/Return of the Pod and be set before the amp in the signal chain? - Does this problem fall into the deceiving marketing category, as an advertised spec is not coherent? PS I think the problem might be somehow software related, as I always have this perception that the sound I dial n PodGoEdit becomes different when I unplug the USB, or better, I have this sensation the day after I use the patch and think..." seemed cooler yesterday"
  25. Seems a bit like an overkill to me or at least something that very few people would use. I mean, I'm always up for stuff that other users desire, even if I don't need it, but it looks like a lot of work to me, and since we're on a very slow development cycle on PodGo, I wouldn't certainly prioritize it. We're 3 months after a vague announce that the update was in development, not to mention how far behind we're from other Line6 product lines. It feels a bit of a let down honestly
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