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  1. 04D Archtype Lead is pretty darn close to Van Halen - Running with the Devil even though is it most likely not a model of his equipment. What an unbelievable sound! tg
  2. Good thinking on backing up the User Bank!! There would have been less LOL-ing otherwise :) What do you think of the new cabs? tg
  3. To me this instant, seamless switching desire (obsession?) just cracks me up. Do folks not have rests in their guitar parts? Are we always playing notes or chords, the entire song, non-stop? Music theory 101 - 1/4 note or 1/8th note rests are just as important as the notes. I tend to switch patches or snapshots 1/2 or 1 beat before I need it, typically at the "4-and" beat if in 4/4 while muting my strings. I also use 2 or 3 adjacent presets live, not more, so a single tap works. People could also opt for a bit more space in their playing or soloing...but that's a whole other topic. Cheers. tg
  4. I was told there would be no math...
  5. If I may extend this line of thought - if I want to continue the chain out of the Alto (or Headrush FRFR108 which I use) into FOH, there is an XLR out of the Headrush for this purpose. Will changing the volume on the FRFR108 affect the signal strength to FOH, or will it only affect the volume of the FRFR? tg
  6. trainguy

    On board looper

    Are you using the 1-switch or the 6-switch looper? tg
  7. If you updated to 2.0 and did the factory reset, all presets will have the new cabs. While the list looks quite similar, some new presets have been provided. You should notice also that there are also legacy cabs available (which appear with a yellow dot), but they are not used in the new presets. tg
  8. Day job laptop bag for me as well. tg
  9. And a ridiculously small screen... tg
  10. If you press the mode button to get back to Stomp mode while the looper is playing you can, in the same preset, turn on an OD block which will not affect the recorded sound, just your "live" tone. tg
  11. @voxman55, our patches and set-up sound remarkably similar. Ext foot switch for patch changes, and 6 button stomp mode. Its neat to see the soundman’s face light up when I told him I was going direct. Was not sure what Pod Go was (or Helix) but when I confirmed it’s like a Neural DSP, it was all good. Apparently, 8 of his last 10 bands were using DSP… tg
  12. Well it finally happened. I bought my Pod Go 2.5 yrs ago and did my first live gig with it last week. American Strat - Joyo TS clone - Pod Go - Direct box split to FOH and to Headrush FRFR 108 pointed right at me. Amazing experience all around. I got several compliments on my tone. Used stacking of several OD to go from edge of breakup to full blown lead sounds. Cut thru loud and clear. Used only 2 patches - one based on Fender Bassman with occasional use of Klon OD the other on a JCM 800 with a Teemah for leads. Both with Glitz 'verb and occasional Simple Delay Made sure to use hi cuts around 5k in cab blocks and I set my sounds using FRFR at around 2/3 of stage volume, at home. I am never using an amp again. Edit: Forgot to mention this was also my first gig after having added a treble bleed circuit to the Strat. Great control of my volume and tone, on board, without tone suck when backing off on guitar volume. I highly recommend this. tg
  13. Voxman - Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I read this when you posted but then real life came calling...
  14. All, Playing live in a 5-piece band with keyboardist and another guitarist. I use my Pod Go into FRFR108 into main board. I would like to use an EQ block for a solo boost, mostly with slightly overdriven, bluesy tones. I am using a Strat. I plan to boost volume and mid-range. My hi-cuts are already set in Cab block at around 5k to ensure no fizz, but I really want to be heard. Which mid-range frequencies do I boost, and by how much? tg
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