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  1. In Samsung phones there is an option that is intended to disable the usb connection after the screen goes off. You need to find if there is some similar security settings in your device. I dont have pixel sl its hard to tell. Try to keep the screen on for a long period of time will playing musical and you will see
  2. Question, do you want to bend the note in a intervall time frame or just want to go from one note to another quickly by pressing the foot switch? If you dont want to bend you can use the poly capo as it will go up or down on the semitones you are setting in the effect
  3. It is not possible to use a magnetic pickup for individual strings. At least I don't know any that can do that
  4. When creating patches, the best practice is to made it at loud levels (+80db) then you will know that they will be suitable with a band
  5. Well, just to post my experience. Using native with gig performer as a host, it tales maybe 1 and half second to open the gui of native, maybe closing it as a little faster. My laptop has a i5 gen 10 u series so is not particularly powerful but works fine. But i can relate that native has become more and more buggy, and i think (just my opinion) that there are bugs that only happens in Macs while there are others happening in windows. For example the midi crashing native on the vst 3 version still happens to me even on the latest version. Vst does not have that issue when i use the FBV MKII to change patches. So, probably the solution will be to wait untile line 6 fix this or maybe with any upcoming helix mkii if it happens any time soon
  6. Is this issue solved? I have used all automation knobs and switches and i can go beyond midi cc 52
  7. I bought the Fbv mkII , not that hard to disassemble. What do you want to repair?
  8. Dear colleagues Could anyone based on your experience, recommend an optimized windows laptop/tablet for running native with a "standard" audio interface? Let say a focusrite scarlet or similar. I have read a lot about the importance either in processing power and driver optimization of the laptop and audio interface, but i would like to know in case some one is using a laptop without any clicks and pops in the audio streaming. And how low can you go in the buffer size for such cases. Thank you!
  9. josehdx


    Min 4.27. For low pitch shifts change auto eq higher than 7 For hight pitch lower than 5. Do your tests and share your results!
  10. Thanks for sharing. But you said that the acoustic sim pedal is temperamental depending the guitar. But what is the EQ any different? Thx
  11. Thank you so much. Maybe i was confused after readying the latest 3.60 update, specially the gramattico release notes. It says "on the real amp is says "Volume." So i really hope that it is also a gain parameter there despite how is called in the real gramattico amp :)
  12. Dear community. I would like to ask some tips and trips regarding how to properly handle a gain control in helix native. First of all i have checked some(but not all) virtual amps and I have noticed there is no gain parameter in the amps, so i guess i need to add a block near to the begging of the chain. My question is, what would be the right order assuming i have a pitch shift and then a wah wah first. I would say its better to add it after the wah, but my goal is not no add an big amount of sustain but just some amount,(we have the poly sustain for that) as i never added such gain in my chain, i am finding my notes fading quickly even after adding some distortion. Any additional tip is highly appreciated Thanks
  13. This is a question that should be posted on gig performer forum instead But linking midi to plugins is a 2 step way in the software. I am using version for and im not familiarized with v 3.8. if it is the same, you should assing a midi value on native( it could be automation thing like a position knob within the plugin or a midi value) then you must create a widget on a rackspace variation in gp,( a knob or even better a pedal ) then use the midi learn (in the option of that widget you just created) and asigne it to the plugin/value that you set ln native. Sounds as many steps but the thing is, you will have in the front as many parameters you want to control from the plugins on the background. I usually Create only the widgets that i want to control, because if there are not created, their values will remain the same between variations Hope is clear
  14. Could you share some audio examples of that drop tunnings? I would like to benchmark mine. Thanks!
  15. By the way, the single cab box used there in my screen shot is a new 3.5 dual cab. Meaning i only need one block. That is what jason did and explained in the video as well, he panned one to the left and one to the right
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