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  1. @DunedinDragon Thank you for your quick reply! Are you talking about a specific Max for Live device? If so, could you send me the link to it by any chance? I am using Ableton Live Suite 11, so Max for Live should be included by default.
  2. Hi together, does anyone of you know how to send MMC commands to Ableton? I tried to send it but Ableton seems to ignore them for whatever reason. Kind regards
  3. Hi together, I just received my HELIX LT and I truly enjoy it so far. However, I am running into issues whenever I try to sync it with the MIDI clock of my DAW (Ableton Live). I already searched for possible solutions in the support forum but couldn't find any reliable solution so far. In my current setup, I use snapshots and I change those quite frequently (sometimes mutliple times per bar), e.g. to switch the MIDI sync tempo of a tremolo or other modulation devices. The corresponding commands will be sent via a MIDI channel (currently channel 4) in Ableton Live which includes the different values for each snapshot in the corresponding CC (for snapshots, it is CC69). Whenever I do that, the MIDi clock gets out of sync or delayed in some sort. This is also represented in the blue tap tempo light, which flash is noticeably out of sync compared to my DAW metronome. I already did some troubleshooting and below you find my conclusions so far: - Occurs for both for slow and fast BPM. - Occurs both for sending commands via USB MID and MIDI Interface - Does not seem to be a "simple" delay, namely a latency which can be compensated within the DAW itself. It rather appears to me that the amount of sync error is fluctuating over time. I am really not sure if that problem is specifically related to Helix, but it prevents me from utilizing most of the great time-based effects of the HELIX. Therefore, I would highly appreciate any kind of support or ideas for potential workarounds. Many greetings!
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