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  1. I'm only on here randomly these days, so reply with quote if you want me to be notified you've asked a question... I should have the original piezos, but I think I ended up re-purposing the 300 bridge-plate. Let me check, and get back to you with what I have. Anyway, isn't the 700 a trem setup?
  2. Thanks everyone who's commented, for confirming what I thought may be the case, (mainly that the Pod HD screen is old tech now, and pretty useless to anyone with glasses), and also for ideas I hadn't even considered.... Fun fact - it wasn't until I searched a little further for specs, that I found out the screens on LT, and the full Helix are the same size - I wrongly assumed the LT would be smaller!! Thanks again guys!
  3. Hi to any HD500(X) users that have upgraded to Helix (LT), Opinions please! I'm having to admit that I'm getting old when I'm having issues seeing patch numbers, and footswitch type gifs when using the HD500 - I'm wondering about improved onstage visibility in the Helix, and specifically Helix LT. I believe I'll buy an LT version of Helix, mainly because of price, but also, I just won't need most of the options included in the full version, except (maybe) the screen. Have you found the LT screen to be enough for clear visibility onstage, or is the full version's screen where it's at for you? Please throw your ideas at me! Thank you in advance for at least reading my query...
  4. Thanks for that info- I think if this band continues, for my own sake of mind, and long term ease of use, I'll look at getting a Helix LT, and Variax Standard, and maybe keep another legacy variax, and HD500 as backups.
  5. Hi, I have been absent from here for a long while - I'm back to look for some info, as I'm trying to resurrect a couple of usable Vaxplants from 3 donors. Things are having intermittent problems... I think I have a couple of 300/600 bridges, and piezo sets. I no longer have necks or bodies, but a Strat replacement neck will suit. Let me know if you're still looking for bridge, etc - better if you reply to this, and quote this reply, so I get notified you have replied, otherwise I won't see it.
  6. Thanks for clarifying - I had wondered if this may indeed be the case. I understand the newer tech built into Helix means that there are things now possible that weren't even conceived back in the days of 1st Gen Variax/Pod combo. I guess now, my only limitation will be the variax factory vs custom patch scenario, as I've modified several factory models, as well as using up all the custom 1/2 slots.... Anyway, thanks again. Ian.
  7. Hi, & thanks for all the above info - another question I hope to get an answer to, and I understand if you don't know... I am toying with the idea of buying a Helix, and still have a couple of Vaxplants (vax contents from 300/600 models). I actually veered away from using them (and the Pod HD500s I used, for a long time), but a new project has come up, which could be lucrative, but if it ends up failing, I don't want to go all the way with buying a Vax standard, as well as a Helix if I don't have to. So, to clarify my question, on HD500, it can be set (per patch), whether the Pod controls the Variax or not. I wonder if the Helix can be set (per patch), to either control Varixax, or not. I note the statement that a patch change on the Variax, won't be registered by the Helix - is this because as a default, the Helix is set to control the Variax? I do a fair bit of manually changing of the guitar model (mainly switching between standard, and open tuning), on the guitar itself, so if there's no way that it's possible, and I can't find a way around that problem, then I may just stick with the HD500, until the project proves successful, and I can justify more investment. I am having intermittent glitching problems on one vaxplant, and the other has one, (slightly less annoying) problem, so I understand if I keep up the digi-format, I'll have to upgrade, but while they're still working, I'll keep with what I have. Thanks in advance, for any further info you can confirm...
  8. You know, I simply hadn't thought about the concept of a fake... :/ I mean, why bother, right? No vax guts - no vax! I see now, looking closer, that it's definitely a copy, and I mean it's not bad, but certainly very obvious when you compare images side by side... Thanks guys, I'll let the guy know that it's a fake. I haven't bought it, and am not interested in buying it, (I'm happy with a couple of legacy vaxplants I have), but if they're expecting good money for it, then, lol.....
  9. So, when is a variax not a variax.....? For sale in my part of the world is what appears to be a JTV59 without any variax electronics installed - just a wraparound tailpiece, and two humbuckers, with no sign of extra routed compartments on the back. I haven't been on this forum for years, and I'm sorry, but I had a quick search and couldn't find anything about this particular anomaly, so here goes a question to the JTV59 hive mind. I wonder whether this could simply have been a mistake with a Variax headstock veneer being added to a James Tyler LP style build? Could it even be a prototype that made it out without the variax guts?
  10. Hi DL4 users... after seeing Bill Frisell in a recent Line 6 blog/promo sent out via email, I'm really keen to get this kind of thing happening, particularly making use of half/full speed, and reverse, as he does in this demo. I posted this question on the HD500, but maybe dedicated DL4 users with HD500 experience may know the answer? I have an HD500, and want to know if I need to buy a DL4, or is all the functionality of the DL4 available in the HD500? I understand all the delays, and looper are there in the HD500, but wonder if there's anything about the DL4 layout/funcionality that differs from the HD500. I would probably set up a patch on the HD500 approximating the DL4 layout, etc, for use into a small valve amp, so would avoid all amp/cab modelling, etc. I understand one difference is that the loop volume can't be controlled by an expression pedal on the HD500, but I guess I could work around that...
  11. Thanks for the replies - I guess I should have said that I have used the looper a few times on the HD, but I'm wondering if the DL4 has specific functions that the HD doesn't? Maybe I need to post this question on the other effects forum page? I guess I figured someone here may have spent intimate time using the looper and all it's associated functionality on both units..... Maybe I just need to get all jiggy with the HD today, and see what I can do with it!
  12. eenymason

    DL4 or HD500?

    Hi guys - any that are still using these dinosaurs! :) I have two HD500 modellers, and haven't been using either of them with any regularity for quite a while now. I'm considering buying a DL4 (delay modeller), and after watching Bill Frisell showing how he still gets great use out of that piece of gear after years of going through other failing pedals, I wonder if the Pod HD500 can be set up to loop, etc in the same way that the DL4 does, to be brought in and out of play. I'm sure I could do hours of research, and still not really know what I want to know, without actually buying a DL4, to ascertain whether I actually need it or not, to do that kind of usage of time/pitch change, loop reversal kind of stuff. I love it, but wouldn't know how to go about it on the HD500. Does anybody use their HD500 in the same kind of way that Bill Frisell does here? Is it possible, or does DL4 have different capabilities?
  13. You're not going to get much help without more info on the variax model you bought... If you see the 5 way selectorby removing a back-plate, I guess that narrows it down to either a JTV69 or JTV89, in which case you need to post this question on the JTV forum instead of here. I guess at least then, someone could upload a photo of inside.
  14. Another thing to note is that most people who use the acoustic models on the variax, say that using heavier gauge strings, and a lighter touch gives you a more realistic sound. I don't use it so much, so don't claim to have any expereience with this either way - it's just what I've read here on the forums. Have you searched for "acoustic" tags on here?
  15. Totally doable, with all due care and attention to the intricacies of the variax innards. I have one Tele clone, which I bought as is, and two Strat clones, which I transplanted myself. As codamedia suggests, with JTV and Standard models available (more expensive to buy second hand than 300/500/600), if you want magnetic pickups as well, they'd be what you want to buy, whether to use as is, or to transplant into a Tele clone, if that's what you really really want. The early variaxes however, didn't have mag p/ups, and evidently it IS very complicated to have both mag p/ups and variax 300/500/600 electronics together on the one instrument, except if you're happy to have separate controls for each output (magnetic, and variax), as well as separate output jacks, and you'd have to work out how to blend those signals downstream. If you don't need magnetic p/ups, then transplanting 300/500/600 guts into a Tele is not that hard, as long as you are handy with a router, and maybe a chisel. I woudn't buy a real Tele for the transplant, but a cheap clone would suffice - my Strat clones are SX brand, bought because they have alder bodies, and totally usable necks (with a bit of fine tuning to suit my tatste), though the frets do wear pretty quickly with regular gigs. psarkissian says they won't sound the same, but realistically, it's not a deal breaker - besides, if you A/B with another variax, you can tweak stuff in workbench, if you're that anal about tones being out by 5% or thereabouts, but I'd say you won't even notice. The Strat models will still sound like Strat models, for example....
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