So i run my Pod HD Pro into a Mesa 50/50 power amp and a 4x12 V30/G12T75 Cab. On my pod, i run in stack pwr amp mode with the cab modeling off. When setting my tones up, i've always felt like i get a better tone using the full models (power amp included) vs preamp only models, but i have not tried the pre-only models yet in a band setting. Once i get to practice, i'm always wanting to test my latest tweaks to my usual full amp model patches - and i never really tweak at the gig. GRanted, i really feel like i'm getting some great, realistic tones from the full models, but i'm always looking to improve my tone. I realize in theory the "pre-only" models make more sense with my setup, but i'm going by my ears.
So my question for those using the pod live with a power amp and cab - do you use the full models or preamp only models. Would love to hear some other folks' experience on this and what you think of each. Thanks!