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Is there a way (or an app) to control an HD400 from an iPOD or other device?


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I'd like to control my POD HD400--especially selecting among more than a dozen presets--by simply connecting an iPOD (or an Android tablet) to the HD400. Need to keep the pedals on the floor, but need to switch to different tones more quickly and efficiently than crouching down in the dark. An iPod sitting on the top of an amp, with a graphical user interface showing all of the numbered presets (if not even more controls) would be totally optimal. Not to be pithy, but Is there an app for that?


I've searched the forums on various tags and hadn't seen this topic addressed yet; begging the group's pardon if I've missed it and it's been covered already. 



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Nope - you won't find an app for that. The required API is proprietary; Line 6 doesn't provide it. In fact, they probably haven't developed it - they do their own editors and probably don't use a standard API for it. It's all in-house proprietary stuff.

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I don't have an iPad but it seems to me there are plenty of apps that can send midi commands.  Pretty sure you could rig something to send midi commands to your POD to do patch changes and to turn effects on and off.  You would have to program it yourself.


What silverhead meant is there is no specific Line 6 app to do that.

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But the POD HD400 does not have MIDI I/O ports, and the only available MIDI over USB is sysex stuff (e.g. system dump/restore). I don't think you can get individual MIDI commands into the HD400.


aha,... good point.  So even more to the point, does the 400 respond to any midi commands at all, even if you could get them in by USB?  I am looking at adding a Zoom MS-70 CDR to my board and it has no midi.  Not even documented to work by USB either.  However, I found this guy (link below) that has built his own FS box to send midi commands by USB to the pedal and it changes patches, etc.  Pretty cool.  I am working now to figure out how to change the regular midi out of the POD into USB midi to send to the MS-70. 


Bottom line is if you can get the midi signals in by USB, will the 400 respond like the Zoom does? I guess someone would have to test it out...


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I asked a similar question the other week. I wasn't looking for control, just some loading of patches. 


The consensus is: 

no, phone stuff is not available for for the 400/500. And most of what we would want will not be available due to hardware limitations. 




now, of course, getting into business practices, which is a separate issue: 

if line6 isn't going to provide that sort of innovation for older products, they shouldn't have a problem releasing the needed information to app builders. 


I am sure someone would be able to build something. 

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Yeah a big problem releasing that cause then people would have a good idea how to develop for their new stuff that isn't out yet.  The interface and API probably won't change much, if any, for the next version and Line6 may develop a phone app for that. 


Sometimes I liked it better when all I did was plug the guitar into the amp.  If you wanted to sound better you practiced more.

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