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Let Me Buy Your Dead Vetta


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I just need vetta parts. Do you know someone who has a dead vetta? If so, I'll pay cash for it. Let me take that paperweight off your hand. I'll even pay shipping. 


hit me up! 


eric dot jenkins at gmail dot com

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Good! They are well worth saving.


I assume you have the service manual. I have one for the Vetta Head. If you don't have it let me know and I can email it to you. The head and combo look to be almost identical. Because Line6 is so backward and mean spirited, there is scant little service info out there.


If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I'm a retired EE that got his bones the hard way. I started out techining for all sorts of stuff.  Sometimes a little commiserating helps when you're trying to troubleshoot a problem.


BTW I have a Vetta I combo that has been software updated to Vetta II. No digital board because they just aren't out there. I have an FBV long board for it too.



I am definitely going into the save the vetta business. =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

   Save the Vettas, Jenk2k! Here's my story; I bought a Vetta Combo last year and I just loved it! It came with the longboard. I read enough of the manual to quickly duplicate the rig I had been using for years; Carvin Quad-X > TS100 tube power amp > Randall Jaguar cab with Celestion G-12-65s, plenty of effects, both in the rack and on the floor.. ( the Carvin has six effect loops and I use them all...). I thought I'd found the Holy Grail of Amplifiers, and I just kept on programming sounds for specific songs, well, I guess you know the drill.


I used it at one rehearsal, and the band was just amazed. I was so happy with it. I had a Vetta!!


    Unfortunately, the amp worked for a total of four days. I turned it on, played a tune, and hit the channel switch, then...nothing. What? What happened? I looked at the screen and it read "ADDRESS ERROR" . Great, "what's that" I wondered. Turned it off, then on, nothing. ADDRESS ERROR still showed. I can hear the amp come on, so I think the power amp section is OK.


   I called the party I bought it from to ask if this might be a recurring problem. He gave me a cable to connect to my computer (midisport ? not what it is called) and I ran the update process, but it did nothig. The only change is "ADRESS ERROR" is gone now, and the screen shows bars.


   I called Line 6. Let me say gently, I am NOT PLEASED with the fact they no longer support the amp. I do however believe it's a great piece of equipment. Like I said, The Holy Grail.


   No service is available in my area, my local tech can't touch it. I called a Boston shop, they were...vague...So now I can either find someone who can fix it or sell it for parts.


I'm in one of those little New England States, as well as the the state of dispair. I'm not sure where you are, if you are buying, or repairing, too. I would like to get the amp fixed; I only played it for FOUR DAYS when it quit, and that short amount of time I had a ball with it. I clearly see its potential.


Please let me know what can be done, if anything.


Here's hoping for the best...



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The first thing to do is change the battery. Yes there is one inside the amp that goes dead every few years. I could have gotten too low to keep the SRAM alive and that is where your address error is coming from. You need to be handy with a soldering iron to change it or find someone who is.


After replacing the battery, reload the OS though the midi cable if it's got some garbage in it from your attempts with the cable before.  


Your saved patches are probably gone, what you want to do is back them up to a computer via the midi cable on occasion just as you would a hard drive.


It's a wonderful amp but Line6 sucks for not supporting it. Until they do or at least try, I refuse to buy anthing else they make.

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  • 3 years later...

ALL Vetta Owners... I recently owned 5 Vetta's, 2 are being used by my nephew's band's guitar players... of the 5, 3 developed the EXACT SAME ISSUE within about 6 months of each other. In addition to those I also have 2 HD147's, of which 1 did exactly the same thing within just 2 days of my Main Vetta Combo.

It took me a while to figure out exactly what was causing the issue, which was: It was working, jamming and then nothing, no sound other than a bit of output hiss at high volumes... then it was moved, and all of a sudden it was working again... all the lights everything worked, just no signal... Eventually I opened up an HD147 The 5pin/wire Connector cable from the Input PCB to the MAIN PCB just seemed a bit too floppy and when I snagged it with everything on, the amp was alive again, and then no sound again... there was obviously something wrong with the cable when I tested continuity. When I cut them at the parts that seemed to have no wire stiffness at all, I found that 3 of the Wires INSIDE the cable had corroded and turned into dust. on the other 2 amps, exactly the same corrosion on the same cable. Unfortunately, it seems that the part is no longer available.... but, really, wires turning to dust? and completely mind-boggling that in a premium amp the quality of wire used would disintegrate? Of all the great parts of the Vetta Design, an accountant must have had it's say for that part (since I just ordered 10 for $1.27 from China Including Shipping). (I did spend quite a bit of time tracking down the Manufacturer though) 2.0mm XH is what to look for if this happens to you. Let me know if anyone needs any links or more info.



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  • 2 months later...

Mine's dead, but it's NOT FOR SALE.


What I need to know from you guys is if mine can be saved?  I was in the process of updating (about 15 minutes in) from Vetta 1 to Vetta 2 when I lost all power in the house. 


When I turn it on now the windows are lit up and bars are showing but there's nothing to see. I can adjust the brightness, but that's it.


Any thought would be GREATLY appreciated.


Please reply at 



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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...
On 3/31/2019 at 12:33 PM, cleanairguy said:

I've got a mint Vetta ii Combo (with Foot Controller) that has original packaging, etc. but it is not dead. I want to sell it. Is there a market for this?


There are some on eBay form time to time.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

Well I have been following this topic with great interest. When the Axis 212 first came out I was one of the first in my community to buy a new one and I  applied for and was accepted as field service tech and support, I also demo'd the amp at other stores. I have been repairing line 6 stuff for 20 years or so. Had  a pretty good relationship with company reps and tech support. Things changed as they often do. I still repair and service almost all of this type of gear. I have 3 Vettas, assorted pedals, and some other gear that my son is using.

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