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Variax Workbench

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Hello everyone,


Due to my previous Windows 7 laptop had finally came to it's hardware failure demise, I had to purchase another laptop loaded with Windows 10.


After installing all of my favorite software and of course, all of my Line 6 drivers, utilities and software for the Pod HD500x and JTV-59, I was saddened to discover that the Variax Workbench isn't available for Windows 10. I tried everything to get it installed but, no luck. I even tried to install it on a 2012 mac-mini that I had just upgraded the operating system to Mojave. Again, I had ran into the same Variax Workbench not able to install. 


The bright side is that I may be able to get my hands on  a hold of an old PC desktop. I'll install windows 7 on it and use it exclusively for my Variax/Pod tweaks.


Does anyone know if the V-Workbench in the process of being updated?

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Hi Silverhead,


Yes, I've attempted the download (from the Line 6 site) the Variax / Workbench HD application, but the sites states, "At this time, there is no   software available that matches your selection".  I tried to install the regular Workbench, but it required Java that isn't available for Win 10. 

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Silverhead, I stand corrected. I was able to download the application. Unbeknownst to me that I must have inadvertently selected Workbench. This time I double-checked my selection and sure enough, it wound up on Workbench - not on Workbench HD. I changed it verified the selection and downloaded the application to my thumb-drive. I'm at work right now, but I'll install the software. 


Thank you!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello - I hope this is the right place for this question? I have been having really bad results running Workbench HD with Helix Edit on a win 7 PC. My computer shuts down (crashes actually) when I do that. I have contacted Line 6 support and the answer seems to be "Don't use them together". It seems to me that it's a no-brainer to be able to use them at the same time. Is this something that will be fixed in the future?

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1 hour ago, es345tds said:

Is this something that will be fixed in the future?


I'm just guessing based on my experience, but the issue would seem to be the computer's horsepower, because I run them both on a fairly robust Macbook Pro and have never had anything crash/freeze/etc.... if I'm right, I wouldn't hold out too much hope for a "fix" for something that isn't a universal problem. There's not much L6 can do for machines that can't walk and chew gum at the same time.


Or the stars happened to align just right, and I'm the only one for whom it works... who knows? Computers are weird.

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"psabramowicz -  Mar 25, 10:50 AM -  Hi Tom, Thanks for letting me know. Most of the time when you're running WB HD, and HX Edit - it's best to have these running one at a time."


No need to dis my computer here. :)    Funny how Pete didn't mention that it works on other computers? Judging from his response, this doesn't sound to me like  'a "fix" for something that isn't a universal problem'. Do you think I should re-open that ticket?

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50 minutes ago, es345tds said:
    Judging from his response, this doesn't sound to me like  'a "fix" for something that isn't a universal problem'. Do you think I should re-open that ticket?


You can try if you like, but I stand by my description. The issue is not universal, otherwise I'd have the same problem. Stuff that falls into the "it affects some folks and not others" category tend not to be at the top of anybody's to-do list... particularly if they don't even know why that's the case. It's not peculiar to L6... just the way the cookie tends to crumble. 

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