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  1. Anyone ever noticed how HELIX updates provide "detailed" instructions about update procedures and then proceed to give conflicting/confusing instructions? Case in point - Said instructions, in which there are contradictory statements like - " No HELIX Edit update is needed", are followed by a snarky statement like - "you must update HX Edit as well (which you would've done had you followed "How do I update to 3.71?" above). I get tired of "tekie engineers, who have done nothing in their life more than computer speak, being jerks because normal people don't understand their special logic. End of rant.
  2. Has anyone used the new FREQOUT pedal enough to give some advice on best uses?
  3. Is anybody else getting the "not connected" issue with the JTV/Workbench HD ? The Variax will play through the Helix floor unit but it will not connect to the WB HD app thru the Helix floor unit any more. This happened after the HX 3.50 and HX EDIT 3.51 . WB is at 2.15 I have reinstalled firmware, changed connections, looked at settings......yes I have put in a trouble ticket- just checking to see if this is just me. I know it is always possible that anything can go wrong but everything was great until the last update. I need my Variax to communicate with the Workbench HD app. I am a little anxious about this at this point.
  4. Has anyone used this keyboard foot controller with the Helix? I'm guessing that it is used like a midi controller into the Helix??? The linked video shows him using this unit with a GSi Gemini. ..... I should be able to run the "midi pedalboard into the midi control of the Helix? Obviously I know nothing of which I speak. I don't use midi gear (not yet anyway).
  5. Has anyone tried to build any of the EHX "9" series types of effects presets? I have the B9 and wondering if anyone has simulated any of the "9" series pedals or should I just continue buying the ones I like the best?
  6. These are my favorite discussions. Someone will come out left field and ask a question that makes everyone examine all the possibilities - even if they think it makes sense or not. Sometimes you didn't even know you wanted to know about that subject. I have toyed with the idea of stereo for a long time and didn't ask. This is a really good argument for forums like this. My thanks to all - I still see this as a useful site. Now I'm headed back to the search that got me here - "is the powercab useful for pedal steel players?" TW
  7. rd3rk/3leggedbrain - I see where the Electrafish has the send block being used for the output but I have a couple of ?'s for you guys. One is about the Acoustafish preset sample and the other is for 3leggedbrain about the amp useage. 1- why is the return block on the Acoustafish preset sample set to a 50% mix? 2- is the intention to use the Fishman amp for both guitars? Does that work for the electric guitar tone?
  8. Excuse me Mr. Power User, I'm not sure why you went to such detail to highlight my side note about the HX/HD conflict. I absorbed the advice. I moved on. That was intended as a lite comment that might have some bearing on the USB issue. Since you have gone to the effort to dig it up and comment on it I would like to point out that I received two contradictory responses to that issue. I believe the response from cruisinon2 was that he isn't having that issue at all. You are telling me to listen to the advice not to use them together. If you are going to use the archives, please don't cherry-pick the info to suit your views. Did you get the main idea of my post on the topic? I always have and still do get the "no device connected" message even on a computer with "more muscle". Do you have anything useful to add on that subject? OBSERVATION: I have been away for a while and just getting back to researching some of the topics here. In my recent visit, I have noticed a lot less patience and a lot more, you're a dummy, idiot, and troll type of comments than before (not to mention the two-page political rants). I remember this place being much friendlier and on topic.
  9. I would vote YES for different Globals values.
  10. I was wondering why no one was talking about the aux input. Is there something about the aux that I'm missing?
  11. I have always gotten the "no device connected" message through all of the updates. Even when I switched computers and several different cables/ports. At this point, it doesn't seem to be causing any difficulties I'm happy to say. Oh sh*t - did I just put the kiss of death on it by mentioning it?????? EDIT: I didn't mention that at one point (while still using my laptop) the whole system would crash if I used HX edit while the Workbench HD app was running. Hasn't happened since the change to a desktop but the "no device connected" remains. No way for me to know whether any of these variables are connected. The digital world is not for patience challenged or tech leary individuals. I barely qualify in both cases but I just can't resist all of the fun tools out there.
  12. One would think a solution that worked could at least be mentioned for general consumption. It's always better to be given the idea that someone cares and the side benefit would be that the fix works and one less ticket is required. Just sayin'.
  13. Getting a little snarky are we?
  14. I am following with great curiosity. I have seen the vol settings wander myself.
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