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New Spider V 120, Loss of Clarity/Distortion.


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Hello all. I’ll try my best to explain this, I’ve only been playing a bit over a year so my terminology is sub par.


I bought this amp for $400+ effing dollars and within 2 months of owning it, I go to practice and I notice my sound is now very fuzzy and bassy. It was VERY crunchy, clear and metal sounding, but now it is so fuzzy that I can barely distinguish my notes when fast picking or fingering......sounds like total crap TBH. I have never moved the amp since I brought it home. No liquids, physical damage, weather damage or anything.


Curious what I can try to fix this? I’m somewhat tech savvy, and would really rather avoid paying more to get it fixed when I can barely afford the $400 amp itself. I’ve gone through all the settings, factory reset it, but nothing. It will randomly work for a minute or two out of nowhere, but will go back to sounding awful soon.


Adjusting the Input jack has no effect to the sound.


One thing I noticed, is when this happened, the built in tuner stopped reading my input..... would act as if I was unplugged.


The tuner has since started working again, but the speaker itself (or the software, not a clue...) still sounds very Fuzzy with low distortion, low clarity, and very bassy.

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Did you buy the amp new? If you did, and it’s only two months old, any sort of hardware issue should be covered under warranty. I’d recommend opening a support ticket here to contact Line 6 customer service.

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