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Reverb issue


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Twice now the reverb has increased dramatically on every snapshot in the middle of a gig. The amount of reverb (mix levels) haven't changed but they all sound like they are on or near 100%. This is true on all the different types of reverb that I use on the Stomp. So it's not just Spring, it also happens on Hall and all others. The first time it happened the problem just went away. This second time it has remained.

I can turn down the reverb mix and it responds and I can turn off reverb altogether and it responds. But it's clearly not the amount of reverb I had assigned to it previously since I've been using the unit for a year or two and I'm familiar with how the settings should sound like. And of course, every snapshot has a different amount so resetting all of them would be a nightmare.

My setup is very simple: guitar into Helix Stomp v.3.62 and that goes directly into a Fender amp. The problem is not the amp. I can plug into it directly without using the Stomp and it's bone dry as it should be.


Is there a master effect setting somewhere that I can adjust that would affect all snapshots? I'm desperately looking for a solution.

Rob Stapleton
P.S. I absolutely love this unit! It has improved my tone beyond description.

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When you re-entered the preset, was the level back to normal?  Do you have your "cursor" set on the reverb block, so maybe you touched the knobs and that's how you wound up increasing the reverb level?  Do you run your unit in stereo, is reverb panned some way? 





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If you have “snapshot edits” set to ‘discard’ in global settings, you need to specifically press save to apply your changes. Otherwise it will auto-save whatever changes you make. So if you have your cursor on the reverb block, it’s really easy to turn the “mix” block by accident—the unit is so small and everything is so close together. 

I am absolutely against auto-saving of anything. I want to be sure that I save things only when I want to do that. Some people may disagree. 

Also I always put the cursor in the corner, so I cannot ever change anything live by accidentally touching the knobs. 

For my list of hacks, you can watch my video:


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On 10/23/2023 at 4:03 PM, theElevators said:

If you have “snapshot edits” set to ‘discard’ in global settings, you need to specifically press save to apply your changes. Otherwise it will auto-save whatever changes you make. So if you have your cursor on the reverb block, it’s really easy to turn the “mix” block by accident—the unit is so small and everything is so close together. 

I am absolutely against auto-saving but of anything. I want to be sure that I save things only when I want to do that. Some people may disagree. 

Also I always put the cursor in the corner, so I cannot ever change anything live by accidentally touching the knobs. 

For my list of hacks, you can watch my video:



There's no such thing as "auto-save" the way that term is used when working on a spreadsheet or WP document.

When "Snapshot Edits" is set to DISCARD, changes made to a snapshot are discarded when you either change snapshots or change presets.

If you want to retain the edits you need to SAVE the preset BEFORE changing snapshots or presets.

If "Snapshot Edits" is set to RECALL, then changes are retained through snapshot changes but are only permanently saved if you SAVE the preset.

I find that RECALL is mainly helpful if you're making multiple changes to multiple snapshots, since you only have to SAVE the preset once when you're done.

Otherwise, I leave it on DISCARD to prevent unintentionally saving changes I've forgotten that I made.

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